Sunday, February 24, 2019

On the rise

We are finally on a warming trend. The temps this week will be on a gradual rise with the mid 80's but the beginning of next week. The warmer temps will be so welcome after a colder than normal winter in Yuma. Actually colder in all of AZ.  Next month some of the snowbirds will be leaving which is another nice thing about spring. :)

Marks hours got cut at WM. This week he only works 3 days and then just two days a week. This happens every year at WM's no matter if it's a busy season at one or not. Mark is looking forward to less working time at WM. I hope it gives him time to go some things around here that he enjoys, besides the computer that is. hehehe Like maybe start on our extra room. That can be done little by little so it's more fun than work. He did a great job on our basement at the house but we are older now so it will take a little longer. It's a smaller project so it should be less stressful too. Whatever, he is due for some days of less work. Maybe go and do some sightseeing in the area that we live in now. We haven't done that in a long time and haven't covered much of an area yet either. It seems he is either working or I have laundry to do. With all the people in the park laundry day is a challenge and not always fitting into a time slot we would like.

For the most part the crud has been lifted from me. Just a little cough which is normal living where it's so dry. I doubt Marks cough will ever go away. I'm sure the warmer weather will help us both to some degree.

Last week I started writing mom letters since we can't email or talk on the phone anymore. I kind of forgot about snail mail for communication. Duh. I won't know how she feels or anything but at least she can hear from me. I have to type the letters out on the computer because my penmanship has gotten really bad and my hand tires easily now. I hope that she is getting my letters. No way of knowing that either. But I'll keep sending them. I know she will like hearing from me. I am having a hard time not sending and receiving emails. We have done that for so long that it's just been part of my life. Now that's gone too. Times change and I'm not liking this change one little bit. 😢

This coming week I have to bite the bullet and make a much needed dentist appointment. It's so hard going to a new doctor or dentist when you have had such wonderful ones in the past. The uncertainty is very uncomfortable. The medical profession here stinks, I hope that the dentistry is better. I hope it's cheaper than MN too. Mexico is cheaper but I'm not comfortable with dentistry there yet. I know a lot of people go there, but the area just seems too dirty to me. I won't even eat anything there.

It's about time that I get dressed and get Miss Lola out for her morning duties. Soon it will be a nice warm morning walk. But for now it's still jacket weather and sometimes even a heavy coat and earmuffs. 😮


  1. If your looking for an update other than mine, here's Woodland Lodges phone numbe, call it. I'm sure they can tell you how things are going everyday and if your letters r being delivered. 218-998-7401.
