Thursday, February 14, 2019

Wind and Rain

Sometime during the night it rained and has been raining most of the day. The wind has gotten absolutely wild so no walking outside today. Well, the only walks will be to take Lola our for her duties. With both Mark and I coping with sore throats and a cough, we don't need to spend much time out in the elements. Sorry Lola, I'll make it up to you later.

This afternoon I really heated up the place by making a pumpkin pie for Mark. It got so warm in here that Mark has been in the shed most all day. Mid week he worked on making his shed a "mancave". Nice new workbench and put a tv in there as well. He even cleared out some of the shelves from a cabinet on the porch for me to add some of my larger kitchen tools.  It sure makes it easier for me to get at them now. No more bending and lifting to get them off of a lower shelf.

Our Valentine dinner will be here at home where it's a whole lot less crowded, better price and still good eats. I'm making Mark his favorite parmesan garlic shrimp scampi. 
Not sure what I'll be eating, I'm not a fan of shrimp and too wet and windy to make a steak on the grill. My throat hurts too much for much of anything really. I'll just enjoy watching Mark enjoy his meal  while I have some soup.

1 comment:

  1. we went toa fancy steak and pizza place, it was pretty cool but pricey, she got a nice looking steak and i got the strangest pizza you've ever heard of. it was nice out in the 20s so we figured we had to go out and take advantage of the heat wave.
