Thursday, January 31, 2019


While our family and friends are dealing with horrible sub zero temps we have been enjoying some very nice 75ΒΊ weather. A few days in there it has been pretty windy but for the most part it was great to be able to be outside without a jacket. Today Mark is talking about going to the pool. Not me though, it needs to be warmer and not so peoply. As much as I don't want to wish the great winter weather away, I can so looking forward to the snowbirds leaving this spring. My tomato plant is starting to get tomatoes on it now too. I was so happy to see the first one yesterday.

Little by little I added some of my crafts stuff to the back room. I have things covered in towels, when I'm not working out there, to keep the dirt off of everything. Nothing of great value is out there, just the small stuff. It made us realize that the room really isn't going to work for both  us. It will need to made bigger if/when we make it a permanent room. Lincoln gave a security camera for Christmas and we have that mounted out there. It works great. We can see and hear what is going out in that area whether we are at home or not. In fact it works so well that we ordered another one. πŸ˜€
Yesterday it was laundry day, and then we went out for lunch with our dear friends James and Bettie, from Utah. As usual we never run out of things to talk or laugh about. After lunch Mark helped James fix a leak in his propane line. That left Bettie and I to do some serious chatthing. πŸ˜‰ She is so easy to talk to and never judges you, but gives you good advice and support. She is my closest  friend here. And when they leave in March, we will miss them terribly. They aren't just friends, they are family to us. Uncle James and Auntie Bettie. 😍

Last night Mark and I finally talked about staying here staying here. He is a fly by the seat of his pants person and I am a planner. I needed some answers. We  agreed we are not moving back to MN. The cost of living there is way too high, the summers too humid and the winters too cold. So that being said, we will be bringing our stored items back with us when we go to MN for Lincoln's wedding. By then we will either have a bigger place, or added on to here and have a larger shed. We can then go through our things and decide what can go and what will be used and stay. Kind of hard to do that when everything is not here. Mark is very anxious to get his motorcycle here. I'm debating on keeping my Helix or selling. And it will be nice to have some of our personal items "home".

Time now to write out the last check to Lisa for the storage unit.


  1. we weathered the cold pretty well. we did get down to 24 repeatedly but we dont get hit in the cities as bad as they do in rural mn. hutch seems to have almost double the snow on the ground that we have. i brkoe the starter on the snow blower but got it going with the pull start. the pt cruiser wouldt start int the super cold but the milan got me thru it just fine. Mia is all sorts of antsy for the wedding and today we will be having all the men come over to get outfits figured out. yesterday patrick filed to get his state ID, and today we wil be going t get him his first accoun t with a debit card. he turned 17 last weekend so have been trying help him prepare for added adulting soon. he setup his last 2 years of high school jujst like mine where he has all his mandatory credits in his 11th grade year and so his plan is to atrtend ridge water for basically his entire senior year to get prepared for a welding career.

  2. i couldnt be more happy you guys liked tha camera. it wasnt something i was so sure you would use but i liked mine so much i wanted to at least see what dad thought lol
