Saturday, January 12, 2019

Now what do we do.

Yesterday we put up a sunscreen as a division on the porch. To kind of mark and get an idea of how much room an Arizona room would give us. We set it at just over the halfway mark on the porch. After reorganizing the disarray the porch side looks quite nice and comfortable now, better than before the division was made. The craft/work room side is still in the process of being set up, but we can see now that it should be ample room for us both to share the space. One end would be for my crafts/cards and the other end for Mark to be on his computer or watch a movie undisturbed or keep from driving me nuts. 😜😜

This is the before picture:

Here are the after pictures

After the two "rooms" were set up Mark mentioned that he may want to take the for sale sign down from the front of our home. We like our park model and the location. We drove around and found this park to be more in our budget and not many bedrooms could accommodate our king size bed. Plus it would be harder for us to move this time without any help. We have accumulated more items that would need some muscle, that I don't have, to move.  My hands don't hold and grasp very well anymore and hey, lets face it, we aren't getting any younger. We could add an extra room ourselves or hire it done. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, just add more space for us during the hot summer months when we don't do much of anything outside. It would also make room for some of our things that are in storage in MN yet too. So right now we are weighing our options and trying to work the extra room into our budget.

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