Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A new year

The new year came in even though we were not awake to be it's escort. It's amazing how the new year will enter whether we are helping it or not. Mark worked new years eve so by 11:30 we were in bed and fast asleep by 11:35. He was shot after from  busy holiday shoppers filled the store each and every day. Yesterday was no exception.

Today the sun is shining and the wind is blowing as is very common in Yuma. Last night it got down to 39ยบ and tonight it could get mighty close to freezing. The new year is blowing in hard and cold. Back in 2007 the northern part of Yuma and Mesa it actually got below zero. We are so glad that we weren't here then. The pipes and such are only about two feet below ground. That would mean a lot of frozen pipes in most if not all the homes and for sure in the park models and RV's. Who would think that heat tape would be needed in Yuma. That being said I'll be bringing my tomato plant up onto the porch tonight, if not before. The wind is doing the young plants no good at all.

The Christmas decorations inside are down and put away. I have no Valentine decorations here.....yet. Tomorrow we will take down the outside Christmas lights and then try and find a place to store them for next year. Things will then be back to normal, whatever that is. There is a park model just a few down from us that will probably take two to three days to take all his decorations down. It is really overdone. I'm glad I don't have to find a place to keep all of that stuff!!!! Although some people keep things like that under their home.

Prayers that the new years brings many blessings to your home and ours.

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