Saturday, December 22, 2018


Wow, just two more sleeps until Christmas Eve. I'm ready but miss the Christmas's of the past years. As I get older I reflect on so many things of the past. Some with much love and some with longing and regret. But Christmas memories are so full of fondness. The times as a child that we went for rides after Christmas eve church service full of anticipation and excitement because Santa was bringing gifts to our home. There were many times that I have no idea where the money came from for our gifts but the gifts were always there. At the time I was too young to notice that the gifts mom and dad received were very few, they used what money they had on us. Mom filled our tummies with freshly baked cookies, candies,  and wonderful holiday meals besides keeping the house and often times working several jobs outside the home. Memories of going from grandparent home to grandparent home to celebrate with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins. The noise, the teasing, the games, the singing and the food. There was always an abundance of food everywhere.  But above all that there was so much love all around. But as a young child you never think of that, it's all about the "wrappings" of the holiday. 

Holidays as a young mother, I tried my best to bring the  memories to our home when our son was little. The goodies, the meals, the gifts, bright lights and decorations, and the laughter. Sharing my Christmas past memories as well as building new ones. There are some that I know our son will hold in his heart as I do in mine. Some will bring much laughter and some will bring tears of what was.  Now is his time to build new memories and traditions for his family. We all grow and move on.

Memories, it's funny how they pop into your head during the holidays. And how much more meaningful they become as you get older. Cherish those memories, even though they will never really  leave, they just grow more dear.

Making new memories and traditions is a part of growing up and we all grow up.  Growing isn't just measured in our years but growing as people, to learn, share and love.

The greatest gift of all was a gift of great love, our Savior Jesus, who loves us and shares all our memories whether they are sad ones or happy. He is there for us through them all. And He loves us all the time. 

Merry Christmas blessings from our home to yours.

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