Saturday, December 8, 2018

Arizona winter days

Last two days the weather has been challenging to say the least. First it has Rained for most of the last two days, although total rainfall was probably less that a half inch. But when you consider Yuma on average receives just over 3" a year that is significant amount of rain all.
Secondly, and I only mention this in relativity to the weather we experienced this summer. It has been cold, very cold! The digital thermometer when I got off work last night read a bone chilling 57 deg.. Now I am sure to some "bone chilling" is not the word one would use to describe this temp. But after baking in 110+ deg. weather this summer, a 53 deg. temp drop is very noticeable.
On another note the fields again are alive with the colored patchwork of green produce. You see planters working in fields, while others tend to the irrigation systems and still others are harvesting in the field next to them throughout this farm belt.
You now again see the stacks of cardboard and pallets ready and towering in the many cooling warehouses. While simi trucks lay in wait at the loading docks for produce to begins its destination from farm field to your stores shelves.
This all being accomplished in the middle of a desert. It truly is a wonder to behold!

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