Thursday, December 6, 2018

It looks like Christmas in our park.

Each day more and more Christmas decorations are going up. The twinkling lights are lighting even the darkest parts of the park. Some people put so many lights up I can almost see their electric meter spinning off the poll. Yesterday Mark put the finishing touches on our lights as well and it looks great. We have white icicle lights on the front and around our porch, two candy canes on the front porch screen, a window on the porch has colored lights all around and there are battery candles in the windows and on the porch. My fairy garden even has a lighted Nativity glowing. A few red ribbons adorn the gates and the tip of the house. Green garland with little red ribbons grace the hand railing of the front steps. Yes, Virginia, it looks like Christmas at the Bentons!

The Christmas baking is underway with two kinds of cookies made. Two of our favorites are still in the thinking process. I save the hardest to make for the last. No sense starting off on a sour/sore note. But to make those cookies I also have to make them on a day that Mark is at work or they will never see Christmas eve. There aren't many places that I can hide them here either. But next to the cleaning supplies is looking like the only place Mark would never look. LOL Good thing I'm not stupid enough to put food there.   But that would be the safest place. It will be challenging, as always, working in a limited amount of counter space making roll out and spritz cookies. But they are so worth the extra effort. So far we have consumed two batches of cereal crunch ( chex mix) so I'll be making a third batch before too long. That has to be our favorite winter snack.

It's getting close but we still don't know if Mark works Christmas Eve or not. Every Walmart closes on Christmas day so that day is not a concern. We will have our Christmas on Christmas day instead of Eve like we usually do.

The park will have a Christmas dinner on Christmas day, but I highly doubt we will take part in the gathering. I would much rather do my own cooking and kick back the rest of the day at home.  I like my own cooking better. LOL

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