Sunday, December 16, 2018

Where has the sun gone?

The sunniest place on earth has had little sun for the last several days. And without the sun it has been cold. Cold by Yuma standards anyway. The days have rarely reached 68 and the lows have been in the mid 40's. Here I only have three sweatshirts and have been wearing them daily. We are so used to the warmth that the 60's are cold, yes, I said cold. hehe

The other day we went to the Arizona Market Place and I scored on t-shirts. A vendor was clearing out so I got 5 t-shirts at $2 each. Can't beat that price. They all have a pretty "Arizona" print on them too. Now I can toss some of my very worn and faded out ones and use them for rags. God was shining down on me. I was really in need of some new t-shirts. I live in them most all year round. Well right now, it's cold so it's sweatshirts.

It was also a great day because Marks A1C went down to 5.9 from 7.5. Now he can drop one of his diabetes pills, the ones that make him uncomfortable. God is so good. The diet needs to stay the same and he has to keep up with his exercise, but working at Walmart and putting on 6 plus miles a day at work, keeps him moving.

Christmas has snuck up on me this year. Not done shopping and no idea what to get. It looks like gift card time. Something I have never liked to do, but has become the only way we can go now. The baking is done and the cookies are dwindling down, but will make it to Christmas day..... I hope. This year I have made 4 batches of my cereal crunch (aka Chex mix). That will be it for this year too. The only candy I made was peanut brittle, and we ration that out each day. Too much sugar is not good for either of us. It really makes my arthritis flare up.

Tomorrow we are going out for a Christmas lunch with our dear friends from Utah.....Uncle James and Auntie Bettie, as I like to call them. They have become as close to as blood family. We are so happy that they still get to Yuma each winter.  Christmas's just aren't the same for us without our family around. It just never feels like Christmas to me anymore, but I do so love living here in Yuma. Thankfully we have a wonderful church to help with the Christmas spirit.

We got our flu shots on Friday, finally. This is the first time I have ever gotten a sore arm from the shot, and boy oh boy is it painful. Last night I still had trouble sleeping on that side, the whole arm hurts. I could hardly feel it when the nurse gave me the shot, but an hour later, oh my goodness. I hope that the pain means it is a great protector from the flu too. hehehe Mark has no trouble at all from his shot.

Just nine more days until Christmas Eve. And I hope that you are ready in your heart as well as the outward displays. Keep Christ and Christmas alive all year long.
God bless.

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