Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A sickly January.

The new year started out a little rocky for us or should I say sickly. Just before Christmas Mark came down the horrible bug that had been going around. We did manage to get to the wonderful candle light service at our church and had a nice quiet Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  The park has a Christmas dinner for all at the park. Each person brings a dish to share. But I enjoy cooking so we had a nice ham dinner at home. Mark, not feeling well, spent the afternoon resting and I watched Christmas shows on Hallmark.

It was several weeks until Mark felt better. Even though he wasn’t feeling well he still went to work. That is until his cough was so bad that they sent him home from work. He rested for the several days he had off and back to work he went. The cough was still with him but it not as bad as it had been. He is a wonderful provider, husband and father. He never lets his family down and works through a lot of tough times.

Not but two weeks later I was the unwilling recipient of a bad cold. My job is to keep things running at home, so I still have work to do too. We made it to church Sunday and on Monday knowing that I would feel worse for some days to come, I did the laundry. Meals still got made and lunches packed, but other than that I’ve rested as best as I can and did only what I had to do. Mark made sure that I had plenty of filled propane tanks for the little propane heater in the house. So I was plenty warm all nestled in my recliner with Lola on my lap to help keep me in the chair. hehehe Instead of using the furnace, which is electric, we use the propane space heater whenever we can. It kept me nice and toasty. Lola enjoyed having me sitting and willingly kept me grounded to my recliner. 

Someone messed up the scheduling where Mark works so he ended up with 6 days off in a row. He never complained so he enjoyed having some much needed down time. Tuesday was his first day back and he said it was very busy and he was shot when he got home. With all the winter visitors here in Yuma, most days are very busy and he comes home quite tired. I do my best to stay up until he gets home no matter how tired I may be. If he can work all night the least I can do is wait up for him. That also means making him some eggs and toast each night.  That guy sure loves eggs. hehehe

It has been another cool week and the wind has been horrific as well. But it’s still better weather than our family and friends have in the winter. With luck I’ll feel well enough to go out and get milk on the warmer day of the week, which won’t be for a few days. Not sure the milk will last that long though. So Mark may have to bring some home or I grab the tissues and just do what needs to be done. I sure hope next month is healthier than January has been.

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