Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Saturday surprise

It’s 8 pm here and I just packed my last 6 boxes for the day. This morning Mark came to the house and told me that a neighbor will help Mark bring our bed and my chair to the house tomorrow morning. That was quite a surprise since we won’t have our internet and satellite hooked up there until Tuesday. But I’ve been too busy to be on the internet or watch much tv lately. So I don’t think I’ll miss it much. It will be easier to pack and move  now that I don’t have to think of what to take and what to leave here. I’ve run into being without something I needed just too many times the last couple days. So I’m more than ready to call one place home!!!! I'm sure Lola will be happy to stay in one place and not be drug back and forth and wonder which place is home or maneuver around the mess around here. The small chest freezer and my desk will come over when Mark has off. Then it will be the odds and ends and cleaning so Ray come move right in to his new home here.

Today I took down the sheers and had intentions of washing them. They were filthy and all needed to be hemmed by about 5 inches. All the sheers hung and drapped the floor.  No way can I hem them and have them even, they are too slippery.  So off to WM to see what they had that was reasonable in price. Tada, all new sheers for under $5 a panel and they don’t drag on the floor. I didn’t have to do anything but hang them up. Well the front window needs the rods lowered but that is no rush. I have no idea why those rods were placed so much higher than all the others. Hmmmmm

Tomorrow I’ll move all the stuff in the fridge and all the boxes I have packed. That should keep me busy for most of the day. I also have to figure out how to get some laundry done too. Mark will wear his last clean shirt for work tomorrow. But I can wash and leave all on the lines to dry while I do other things. I just have to remember to get the ironing board to the house.  And not forget that I have clothes on the lines. LOL

Jose' and his crew really had their work cut out for them to get the ductwork in to the AZ room. When Jack built the AZ room he did it very professional and had put in concrete ground pillars for stability. That is why the floor and room feels so much more stable than any of the others we have been in.  He didn’t cheap shot anything he did on the place. But after 12 years some things need a little tweaking, but nothing serious, like some painting and touching up here and there and adjust a couple of the window screens.

Now I need to see if the budget can stretch for a “real” water softener. We have been using the one we had in our RV, which is still working just fine. We don’t need a big one since we have no washer or dishwasher and it’s just the two of us. But it still has to be paid for.  Maybe  I can tell him to go and get one and be done with his having to soften the water every 5 to 6 days with table salt and stand there and wait to start the next cycle. It would be nice not running out of soft water in the middle of my shower. hehehe He would also have to build a box to keep the softener protected from the heat of the Yuma sun.  That would cost another $100 or more to build. Mark builds things to last.

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