Friday, March 29, 2019

Thinning down

The things in here are really thinning down and it looks like a hurricane has gone through here. But the porch looks like a hoarder lives here except that the boxes stacked out there are empty. And my craft stuff is buried in the rubble so it will be some time before I can get to that. It's too small in here to pack and pack and not move it out so I can only pack a few boxes at a time. Living in Yuma anything you have outside will get covered in dirt so it is pack and move. Even though we love our little Smart Car, it only hold 5 to 6 boxes at a time. That means a lot to trips back and forth. Thankfully the little car gets good gas mileage.

Yesterday I had to do house chores like laundry and some shopping. But I did manage to get most of my clothes moved to the new place. A small box of bathroom stuff got moved too. I have to admit it felt good not having to pack and move many boxes.

Today, now, my plans are to move the rest of my clothes other than what I will need for the next 4 days. And get most of Marks clothes moved too. I'd really like to get both of  the closet's emptied today and washed.  Some of the pots and pans could get moved today too. The meals I have planned for the remainder of our stay here are simple so I shouldn't need all of them. I better stop thinking because as I think I find more and more for me to do today and I can only do so much.

Wednesday we had the outside of our new place power washed. They did a great job and the windows are so clean it's hard to know if they are open or closed. When the men were finished they even put the patio furniture back on the porch. You can now see what is the color the trim and main part of the house. Wow was it ever filthy. But now it looks great.

I'm not one that can live very well in a messy area and right now the new place is much less messy than here. Neither place is organized and that drives me nuts too. As I unpack I'm just placing things where they fit so I can start filling the boxes again. I have all summer to make the mess into some semblance of organization. But I know me, I will redo all of it time and time again.

As I pack boxes I'm amazed at how quickly a small area can get so full. And to our dear son, it is still like a grocery store here, even without the walk-in pantry like at the old house. It just shows how much I like to cook and we both like to eat. LOL

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