Sunday, March 10, 2019

Big Bang morning.

Yesterday our morning started with a bang. Around 10:30 two gentlemen were walking around our home. One came to the door and asked if he and his 94 year old father could look at our home. They looked around and we enjoyed chatting with them too. They said they would get back to us in a couple days with the decision. About half an hour later they called again and asked if they could talk to us. Well, to make a long story short the older man, Ray, offered to buy our place at our asking price. They said that they will come back Monday morning to give us a check, transfer the title and call it a deal. Now we have to find a place to live, that we can afford.

I already know which park model I want. I walked over there several times to take another look and asked what their bottom dollar was. They dropped the price another $1500 to get really close to what I was going to offer. Mark wishes that one had a carport and a bigger shed and so do I. But the the home is soooo nice. It has a huge AZ room and a full and half bath. It's also 8 feet longer than our current home and more storage. God allowed our home to be sold so he must have plans on how we can buy a new place and still be able to bring our stuff home from MN. I’m thinking of selling my motorcycle so that would help Mark get a bigger shed, he isn't too happy with that thought. But I’d rather have him have a shed to put his motorcycle in then for me to have my Helix. But it’s whatever God has planned for us. I trust Him to help us make the right decision. If God takes you to it, He will see you through it.  We were going to pull our place off the market if it didn’t sell by the end of this month. But I guess we will be moving sooner. It will be so nice to have more room in the hot summer months and room to get out of each others hair now and then. hehehe And enough room for a lot of our stuff that is still in storage. We have a lot to do and think about in the next couple weeks.

So that all explains why I didn't get much sleep last night. Neither of us could clear our mind and let it go. I think it was around 2:30 when I last looked at the clock. And it was 6:20 when I saw the time again. But I laid in bed hoping for just one more hour of sleep. At 7 I gave up and just waddled, bumped and served to the coffee maker. I really wish I could drink full leaded coffee and not the half cafe stuff. But my heart doesn't need anymore excitement. As it is our next few months will be wild enough.

I had to cancel my dentist appointment for Monday and make if for another day this week. They will call me to confirm a day, or so they said. But like everything else in AZ  and Mexico, they don't move very fast so I may have to call myself to reschedule.  Around here the thought is "it will be today, tomorrow or never". Never a definite time. Even an appointment for 10 could be noon or later before you get called for the service.  So we have learned to never say "whenever you get around to it", because it is quite likely that it won't happen at all. 😟

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