Sunday, March 24, 2019

Getting closer

Tomorrow we will be able to get into our new home and start packing up their stuff to make room for our things. Mark has off so I hope that he will help but I'm sure he will see other things that will need to get done. We are so anxious to get moved into our new home. It would be nice to get the big stuff in while we still have neighbors to help with the lifting.  I'm no help with that at all anymore. The heavy stuff is the small chest freezer, bed, desk and my chair. My chair comes apart so maybe we can handle that one ourselves. In one piece it is very heavy.

The days are getting warmer and the sun is starting to show its strength. Summer is fast approaching here in Yuma. We are still having comfortably cool nights  and I've not yet felt a need to turn on the a/c even when it hit 88º. A fan works just fine for now. No humidity really does make a huge difference in the heat tolerance.

No church today since we both finally got some much needed sleep. It's been a long time since we slept past 6, and in Marks case 4:30. And let me say, it felt great to feel rested when I got up this morning.

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