Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Two truck loads

It felt good to sit in my  recliner with my aching feet up and sore back resting last night. We got all their stuff boxed and hauled out. It took two truck loads to get most all of it out. Now if the managers daughter will come and get the bed tomorrow everything would be out. Well almost, we have some things that we will bring here for Ray and a recliner to dump. There are still some men here that can help us with the stuff I can’t help Mark lift. The thrift shop will be happy to see all the stuff we donated. I hope they bring a big truck, there is a lot of stuff at the drop site and not all is from us.

Today I will wash all the cabinets and fridge. They are really dirty. I’ll have to clean the floor too, a lot of crud fell out of the cabinets and I don’t want Lola to get into whatever it is that fell. I’ll do the floor first then come back here and get her and one of her  beds. Then she will have a little feel of home while we are there. Mark will work on whatever he has planned for today. One thing, I hope, will be to get the three pieces of furniture out of the new place and here for Ray.  hope to get some things packed and moved today and tomorrow. A little each day and we will be ready for the final move in a week or so. With Mark working so many hours it will take a little longer. We have about 2 weeks to get out of here, more or less.

 Wednesday Mark goes back to work and has a 6 day run too.  Not something he is looking forward too. So I’ll be on my own. For now I’ll just put things in cabinets and arrange them later.  We just want to be in one place and not run back and forth. Then I can sit and rest more too. My back, legs, hands, and feet were pushed to their limit yesterday. I wanted to wash out cabinets, but stopped before I got too sore. Too much to do to try and get done in just a couple days,. I’m not a pup anymore.  And I’m not stupid either, just stubborn. Hehehehe 

 We turned on the ac at the new place and found that it really works well. So we were happy with that. We just need Jose’ to come and put the duct work in the Arizona room. 

Our AZ room will be a full room once our stuff from MN is here, but functional too. The two almost new dressers in storage, that never sold, will be great storage. And you can never have too much storage. Thankfully the new place has much more storage as this place. We just need a bigger shed. Which we will have to save for, as well as a carport. 

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