Monday, March 11, 2019

The last time.

Well we did it again. We are moving again, but this is the last time, or so we hope. As of this morning our home now belongs to someone else and in a few short weeks we will be moving into our new home. That will be a long and hard ordeal.

Moving into our new home means that we have to clear out the things of the previous owners before we can get our things moved in. Almost all park models here are sold furnished. There are some items that we will be keeping until we bring our things from MN to Yuma. But there will still be many items that will have to go. They are leaving a nice 7 foot couch that Mark has claimed as his, hehehe. But I really don't want much else. Our church does a lot for the underprivileged so we will donate quite a bit to that cause. Our new home is bigger than where we live now, but space is still limited compared to a house. No room for things we don't need and it's not a storage facility either.

Mark went from having the flu for 16 hours to going back to work and then we had  to go go go to sell and finalize the sale. With all that neither of us have gotten much sleep and are about ready to drop. Tomorrow, God willing, we will sleep in until at least 8, 9 would be great. Then lunch with our dear friends James and Bettie. It's also laundry day so I'll be doing that later in the day. Plus a trip  to Walmart is a must. And Mark works again too.  Good grief another full day. We won't be able to stop until the end of June. And then I highly doubt we will be done unpacking and sorting.

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