Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Dental work

Yesterday I got my dental work done in Mexico. I had an extraction and bone graft done on the bottom right and the peg put in the bottom left for an implant. The whole process took about an hour and a half. The office was so clean and the dentist so attentive and gentle. The time we had to stand in line to get back into the US took about half an hour. Which was good that it didn't take any longer. By the time we got to the check point the novocaine was starting to wear off and the pain was beginning to hurt like hell.

By the time we got home I was in a world of hurt. The pain was only on the right side, the dental implant side was pain free. The hydrocodone never touched the pain from the bone graft and extraction. But it did give me one heck of a headache. So I took three aspirin, laid down and slept for two hours. The rest of the night I put up with the pain until bedtime. I don't like taking those kinds of pills so I just put up with the pain. Since it did help me sleep I did take another one at 3 am to make it to morning. The pain this morning was minimal so no pain pill at all, just some aspirin and ice packs for the swelling on the right side. I still am not to chew so it's just soft easy swallow foods. By this weekend I should be able to chew soft foods.

I have a partial over the implant screw to reset the tooth next to it to a more upright position. In 4 months when I go back for the implant cap the partial will be done with. And I will then also have the screw put in for the other implant in the place where the tooth was extracted on the right side. The whole process will take a total of 8 months. It takes 4 months for the screw area to heal.

Today we got the title for our new home transferred into our names. It was quite a process due to wrong dates being entered and us have to to start over with signatures. But now it's all done and we own our new home. Sunday the previous owners will be heading back to Washington and we can start measuring and packing up their stuff to make room for our things.

The AZ room has no ducting to the room from the heat pump/ac unit. So that will be the first thing we will have to get done.  Then to puppy proof the porch so Lola is safe from running around the park or elsewhere.  We will have a very busy 3 months or so. Thankfully the person that bought our home will not be moving in until a month later so we have extra time to move. Which for us old farts is a good thing. We can't do as much as we used to anymore or as quickly as we once did. And packing up two homes is going to take a lot longer than one. I wish the other couple could take more of their stuff. But the local charities will like receiving a lot of nice things.

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