Monday, February 5, 2018

New residence.

February 1, 2018

There were good intentions on my mind to write in the blog every day. But some days get so full I forget or just don’t have the time. This time I have a very good excuse.

Early this week we started driving around to look at other RV parks for next winter. Some of them were nice but the RV were packed in like sardines. Others were way out of our price range and some were less then what would call an rv resort. But there was one park that we drove through and saw a park model for sale at a price we liked. Neighbors saw as looking at it and said they would get the owner and we could look inside. Very friendly. The owner was a super nice guy and explained everything and let us look as long as we wanted to.  After going through the home and site we said we would call him in a day or two.

After praying for guidance we called John back and asked if we could look through the place again and do some measuring. He met us there in a very short time. After discussing and the deal he presented us with, we decided to make our permanent home in the Yuma foothills.

We plan on selling our large Montana RV and truck and downsize to smaller units. See, we don’t want to give up seeing more of the country or going back to MN to visit family and friends. But since we now have a more permanent dwelling we don’t need such a big rig to call home.

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