Saturday, February 17, 2018

Little by little

Things are starting to come together. Little by little we are organizing and adding our own touches to our new home. There are times I wish I could push out a wall or two but with some creative ideas I can make room for more. hehe Which I will have to do once we get our things out of storage.

Last night it got quite chilly outside. I woke up cold and achey around 6:45. When I got up to see what the temp was I found that it was 45º outside and only 60 inside. So I turned the furnace on. Lola was all curled up a ball and I could almost see my fish shivering in his bowl. Those who live in the north, are just laughing at me, how would you feel if your furnace didn't work some night? We have gotten spoiled, very used to not being in the cold northern weather. And I might add, loving it too. We don't miss the cold, snow, humidity, tornado threat or the mosquitoes and bugs.

The doors to the outside are always open for easy access to the large porch. No need to close them since there are no bugs flying in and out. Oh once in a great while you will get a fly that stole it's way on someones camper, but that's about it. Ground critters such as termites are an issue, which is why we have the outside of our home sprayed once a year. Tada, problem solved. Having the doors open makes that large porch really feel like a bonus room. Lola loves to lie on the porch and watch the people walk by.

Yesterday we went to get some things at WM. I drove this time to get used to going there from a different direction than I was used to. Mark bought some white paint and when we got home he painted the cabinets on the porch. They look like new now. I continued on with making a small space hold all the kitchen stuff more efficiently. At times I thought it was a losing battle.

Today I hope to go and look for a taller toilet. The one in here must have come from an elementary school, it's soooo low. Mark is going to talk to a neighbor and see how he connected his RV softener to his park model. If Mark does that with ours, it will save us a nice chunk of cash. I am sick of taking a hard water shower. I just never feel clean and the soap doesn't lather or come out of my hair. The RV softener will work until we feel we can get a home softener or the little one conks out.  Why spend money if we don't have to?

Each day it feels more and more like home. Lola seems content too and loves not walking on all the stones like at the other parks we stayed at and the dog walk is nice and big with lots of sniffs to check out. Sand is easier on her paws so she even runs more. :) The roads are nicely tared in the park and the our front and back area's have, what we call, shit bricks down. The only rock we have now is our driveway.  I will be anxious to get my desk, curio, some of my decorations, pictures and kitchen tools here. Then it will really look like home. Full but home.

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