Thursday, February 15, 2018

All done

 Yesterday Mark took off the solar panels, batteries, and all the wiring from the 5er. James and Bill helped him with that. Thank God for their help. He also sealed all the holes from the mounting brackets to secure the roof from any water damage. The solar panels went into James' truck since there was no room for them in our truck when hauling the 5er to the lot. Once the rv was in the lot James brought the panels to our new home and Mark locked them up here for later use. While Mark was working his butt off with all of this, I was at home trying to make the cupboards less dangerous. I don't like things messy or falling out on my head when I open the cupboard doors. I had more storage in the RV than I do here. So it is taking some creative packing to get everything in the cupboards.  The floors got vacuumed and scrubbed, and Miss Lola got to go for a nice long walk also.

 Well the 5er is now in a consignment lot, right in the front as you enter the lot. A quick sale would be nice.  We had great times and a lot of memories in the RV. It was our home for over a year. Someday we plan on doing some more traveling but not in that grand of a scale.

We are all in our new home and now I have the honors, ha ha, of changing all the addresser, insurance, etc. I hate that job, but it has to be done. And in a new state it's a lot more involved than just moving to a new address in the same state. I'm learning things I really didn't want to know.

It feels like home here, and the neighbors are very nice. Lola is still a bit confused as to what is going on in her world. But we think that now that we won't be running back and forth she will settle in soon. Lola really likes that our bed is low enough for her to jump onto when we aren't home. So we need to do better at remembering to close the doors to the bedroom. The 30 foot covered porch is a great space that we will make good use of many days. Around here it's like having a 4 season porch that is open all year round. I can see myself making my cards, crocheting, painting rocks or just taking a break on a nice day. Mark will be putting our little tv out there for his viewing pleasure and being on his computer enjoying the nice weather.

There are things that we are working on to make better use of our smaller spaces. That will take some time to sort through. And we need to leave room for the stuff in storage that we plan bringing here someday.

Today I have 4 large loads of laundry and, I know this sounds weird, but I am looking forward to hanging the laundry on the clotheslines to dry. I haven't been able to do that for 5 years. Nothing I like better than crawling into bed on fresh line dried sheets. Hehehe, I'm looking forward to going to bed tonight. And yes, that means ironing again too. No, I don't mind ironing as long as I can watch tv while ironing. I am so old school.

Next month when our friends leave to go back to their home state will feel odd that we too won't be hitting the road as well. But new adventures lie ahead. Like learning to cope with the extreme heat. A lady that lives in the park said she lives her year round and said if we can survive a Minnesota winter we can handle an Arizona summer. You just stay indoors. hehehe

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