Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8, 2018

A chilly morning for AZ. Sunny and a low of 47. We don't get up early enough to see that, so it was 57º when we got out of bed. But I left some windows open last night and it was a bit brisk inside when we got up. Even Lola got up early for a change. Although once we were up and she gave us each her morning breath kiss, she went back to bed. She is snoring away right beside me.

Yesterday we got more stuff moved out of the RV. That seems to be all that we have time to do lately. But we only have a few more days to get the RV out of the park and into storage. Today we should have everything out of the inside, but Mark still has to go through the basement.

We looked and priced storage sheds, since the one here is quite small and we have more stuff in storage back in MN to make room for. We did manage to find a couple more metal shelves for the deep and wide kitchen cupboards and a towel rack for the bathroom.

Around 4 my stomach was having a hissy fit. I hadn't eaten anything but one piece of toast all day. So we stopped at the Golden Corral and indulged my growling tummy. There were a lot of people that must of had tummy trouble too because even at 4 the place was very busy.

After everything was unloaded, unpacked and put away from today's packing, it was time to sit back and relax the night away. Aaahhh, my power lift chair was calling my name. But the darn thing was only teasing me. The transformer went out so no comfy sitting for me. Luckily Mark found a new part on Amazon and it will be here on Saturday sometime. That seems like an eternity away to my aching back.

No nice chair to sit in and my back was so sore, I decided that a nice hot shower was in order. Mark said the water pressure here is great so the shower would feel really good. Turning on the shower it really blasted and the hot water felt great. But after less than 10 minutes I had no hot water. What the heck!!!!!!!!! Jumping out of the shower spitting mad, I toweled off and found my jammies. Turning on the tv I found nothing worth my time to watch. Geesh what a night. Time for a whisky water on ice, or two, or three......

All ready to crawl in bed and reached to turn off the light on the ceiling fan and the light pull cord would not work. Mark likes the fan on low at night to circulate the air. He breathes  better and then I sleep better. hehehe So much for the fan tonight. This was not a night that I wish to have again anytime ever again.

As always, it's an adventure. Not always a wanted adventure but an adventure nonetheless. hehehe

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