Monday, February 12, 2018


This morning we handled all the paperwork and received the title on our new home. So I guess we are now officially Yumanites. hehe The previous owner came with to change the title, Metro medic, and to change over the insurance to us. We will change our drivers license when they come due, later this year. The plates on the truck are paid for until February so we will hold on that too.

To celebrate we went to Red Lobster for lunch. It could be detrimental to our health and pocket book that Red Lobster is only about 10 to 12 miles from here. hehehe Fact is there are many many great places to eat here in Yuma. If you want to know of a good one just ask us, we probably know where you should go.

After coming home, a friend, that Mark worked with at the car dealership, came to visit. He lives in Yuma half of the year in a park just down the road. It was so nice to see him and great that he came to visit. Our first visitor!

We took a call today from Cookie one of the sales staff we had talked to about putting our 5er on consignment. Later this afternoon I met him at the 5er to show him what we had. The inspection went well enough that he called his boss to work out a time for him to also come look at it, tomorrow. We will know more after he looks at it but it is sounding like something they would be interested in having on their lot.

Cindy can now breathe a sigh of relief as all the paperwork (she and John the previous owner  took care of) work is done, the new home's title is in our names, the insurance coverage is on and we even have protection for emergency services.

Oh and Lincoln when you read this your name is on the title as well so you can now say you have a winter home in the sunniest city in the USA!

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