Wednesday, February 7, 2018

First things first.

Anyone who has a beloved pet understands that their needs, or at least to the pet, come first. Well we needed to make sure that Lola was safe in our new home. So the very first thing that was done was to make the 30 plus porch Lola safe. We purchased latis and two baby gates. Mark turned the porch into an attractive Lola proof space. She now can go in one door and out the other with ease. We do need to learn to close the gate more often. Lola loves to visit with people and a few times she managed to do just that when the gate got left open.
At the apartment and the RV I had a coffee theme going that I bought from a close friend. Since I really loved that, I wanted it in our new home as well. The curtains were almost new and purchased for the RV. They fit into our new home so I used them here. Here is one area that is done. It's above the kitchen sink.
                      As I finish with my "decorating" I will add more pictures.

We still have a couple small loads at the RV to move and then I can clean the RV and it will be going up for sale.  There is also a storage unit that we need to get loaded up into a large trailer and moved to AZ. Many items in there will be sold, donated and rehomed elsewhere. We can only keep so much. But our motorcycles will not be sold. We are looking forward to riding them year round.

Lola thought we should keep this blue chair but mom and dad took it to a charity. She will have to settle for her new bed.
                                                 Our dining area. 

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