Saturday, February 24, 2018

It all takes time

Setting up a new home no matter how large or small, it all takes time. It doesn't all have to be done at once. But it would be nice if I could wiggle my nose like Samantha on Bewitched, and it would all be done. The biggest project was fixing a broken drain pipe under the bathtub and connecting our RV water softener to our new home. As Mark said, it was a wet, job, but it was also a lot of work for him.  Setting up his tools and such in a small shed and the two cabinets was another task which took some real planning. And he got it done. Those, like the kitchen cupboards, will be changed around numerous times until we get them just the way we want them.

We share the load, it's not all him or all me. He takes care of all the things I can't do and I take care of the inside chores that I can do. It was challenging to put everything from the 5er, which was 36 feet long, into a park model that is only 30 feet long. The 5er is wall to wall cupboards for storage. The park model is set up with less storage because, for the most part, it is only lived in for 3 to 6 months out of a year in Yuma. But with a little imagination and will, I got our things put away.

Yesterday Mark made my kitchen storage challenge easier. We went into town and got a standing cabinet and put it on the porch for my less used items. That will help me out a lot now and when we get our things from MN. I will now have more room for "MY" tools.  I love to cook and bake so I have a lot of tools even after selling many items.

This morning we enjoyed the last of the cinnamon caramel rolls that I made, two days ago, with our morning coffee. Having a larger fridge I can now make home made pizza again too. Something that we have always enjoyed on the working  late Friday nights. But have not had the room to do so in the 5er. Don't get me wrong, I loved living in our 5er and traveling. But it's nice having a stationery place to call home too. We can still travel just not 12 months out of the year.

Lola has adapted well to the new home. But has picked up a bug and has an off digestive system right now. I inquired at the office if  the dog area was ever sanitized. Until I hear, and know for a fact, that it is, she will not be going back to that area. Every other place we stayed at, had the designated dog area sanitized each day and sometimes several times a day. Lola had never gotten sick until now. Otherwise the park is a nice place to live.

Setting up insurance has been a pain in the butt. MN is so much more resident friendly when it comes to the cost of insurance. That being said, I am having to do much more shopping around. Our insurance agents in Hutch have been the best to work with over the years and hate to say good bye to them. They are still helping me with what to look for. Yes, paperwork is one of my jobs, and I hate it, but it has to be done. Our supplemental health insurance also had to be changed. Another hair pulling job that I have the honor of doing. Plumbing looks like a walk in the park to me compared to this. Sorry honey, I know it's really very hard work and I know we appreciate what each other does. We are a good team.

All that being said, Lola has now risen and wants to do out. She has such a tough job. hehe So I had better get dressed and get on with my day in Yuma, AZ

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