Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Just another day in paradise.

We have been so busy with the move to our new home that I did not get a chance to share what a Great
Day I had on Sunday!
#1 Oops
So it started out at 4:56am when I got up to use the bathroom and heard the familiar sound of the alarm on the fridge which tells me that it is out of propane. Ok so I have to go out to turn the regulator to the other tank, no big deal except as I come down the stairs to shut off the alarm I pass the front door and feel a cool 54 degree breeze against my bare skin. Oops, as closer inspection revealed, we had left the door wide open all night. So our new furnace had been blasting away all night attempting to do what the sun does in Yuma during the day. You might say we were heating the foothills one BTU at a time.
#2 Oops
Once up for the day we were going to start loading for the move so I went to reposition the truck to make it easier to load. Well if you have not seen our truck, it is a Super Cab Dually LONG BOX which like the description says makes it quite long! I must have forgotten this point as while backing up I ran right into the left leg of the awning and bent it to the point it now resembles a pretzel.
#3 Oops
So we take several loads over to our new domicile and while waiting for my bride to empty the tote and two egg crates I am looking out the open sliding glass door. When she says she is ready I start to walk out the door ahead of her. It wasn't until the screen door, now completely bent and knocked out of the track that I noticed it was closed.
(On a side note the previous owner had made a point of telling me how meticulously he had maintained the door to keep it worked so well) Remind me to thank him again!
#4 Oops
We have been hauling stuff all day and now need to stop at Walmart for some supplies. I mention to Cindy how hungary I am and she tells me there is a McDonalds inside this Walmart and we might as well take a break and eat. Now I am not a big fan of McDonalds but am famished so her idea strikes me as a great one. Wrong, as once inside and approaching the McDonald entrance ,they choose to close their gate. Now this is mid afternoon, what is going on? They ran out of FRIES. Really? Run out of Fries and you descde to shut down the Store?
#5 Oops
The Walmart is packed and we picked up enough stuff that Cindy did not want to go thru the self checkout so we get in line at one of the 4 out ot 20+ checkouts that are open. One of the ladys ahead of us had severel liters of pop, so she, because of there weight and not having a cart had them on the floor and was pushing them inch by inch with her foot, ahead as the line slowly moved forward.
#6 Oops
We get thru the line and are headed out of the store when we notice that McDonalds has reopened.(sill no fries) And as the old saying goes "Any Port in a Storm" we go in for something to eat. No big deal except because of a new rule you need to leave your cart in the waste disposal area. Right, like I am going to leave my cart full of supplies unattended so I can enter their dining area. Their food in NOT that Good!
It's Always an Adventure!

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