Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mark the plumber

Ok I have not posted as to what I have been up to. One of the (Big) reasons is it has included plumbing a job I absolutely despise. So did I get wet you ask? Absolutely. Always do!
I am beginning to think that's why I took those swimmer life saving classes back in school. It was my survival instinct taking over knowing I would be confronted with plumbing tasks from time to time.
You got to love it. Today while on my back under the Park Model tighting up a water line fitting on a manifold I am building for the water softener.
I am with one hand holding on to what I think is the valve as I on the other side of the manifold tighten the line fitting. BOOSH! I was wrong the valve was actually a plastic 1/2" water line fitting and when it snapped it was under a full 60psi of water pressure.
Guess which direction it was pointed at. Yep the fat old fart lying on his back looking ever so slightly like a turtle. Then those same survival skills came back and saved me once again.
See I have put on a couple of pounds which turns out is a good thing as it kept me from jumping up and bumping my head while I was getting soaked.
But it is all worth it as my bride just got out of the shower and was very happy to have soft water again.
It's Always an Adventure

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