Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 29, 2018

Today was a very sunny warm day. The bright sunshine brought the temp up to 85º. In Yuma it really doesn't feel that warm. And in the shade  it's usually 10 degrees cooler. There was a nice breeze all day so that helped keep it comfortable. When I told Mark what the temp was he didn't believe me. hehe

After breakfast and dishes we drove around to many RV resorts. They were all priced higher than where we currently are staying. One was way out of our price range and had NO room between sites to walk between your vehicle and the next camper. What that one did have was a huge amount of activities. None of which we would make use of though. We also went into one that we looked at the day before and are wearing thinking caps now.

No supper on the grill, just a grilled sandwich and lots of talking.

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