Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jan. 3, 2018

Ok today will be a little more trying than most since we landed here in Yuma.
It is over cast and looks like it will stay that way all day so running on solar to recharge the battery bank is not going to be an option today. Good thing we have shore power or we would be running on the Generator.
As part of our maintenance schedule I will be going up on the roof to clean the solar panels again as the last time up there they were covered in a thick dusting of sand.
Speaking of maintaining the solar system I finally got the 200 amp Catastrophic Fuse install between the battery bank and the 3000 watt inverter. A step I didn't finish during the build of the system. (Relax I had it fused just not the way I wanted it done.)
The alarm went off so we have just run out of propane 9:45am. At least it's not in the middle of the night like most times..........hehehe. Cindy went out and switched the tank regulator control to our spare tank so we will be headed to the site we usually get our tanks filled some time today.
Bummer as we have almost always pulled up and either filled right away or the line was short. Well as mentioned the SnowBirds are coming here now and as of yesterday when we drove by the cars and trucks waiting in line to get propane tanks filled was all the way out to the street. I am sure it will be no different today! Yes they do have many alternate propane sites but there will be a line at all of them.
On another note put up our Internet Repeater a few days ago but will be taking it back down today. I can not join the network here as they have that blocked and pulling internet from another site across the FreeWay gets me only dialup speeds.
Yes that is right I am old enough to remember dial up speed days. Not only do I remember those days, I use to set my alarm for 3am so I could download free software apps from Germany. I would then post them to my Bulletin Board Service (bbs).
Now I bet most of the readers of this have no idea what a bbs is. Think of a bbs like a local subzoned Internet before the Internet became public. People would call up my bbs using a phone line and modem with their computer, log into my computer system and do what you normally would do on the internet.
Trust me at the time it was a lot of work and fun at the same time. I truly miss those days as computers have played a very large part of my life. But that is a whole nother story.
It's Always and Adventure!

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