Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A rocky start to the new year

Happy New Year.

We had another quiet NYE. Just a nice supper of lobster tails for Mark and a grilled T-bone for me. A couple drinks and off to bed. The new year comes no matter if I am awake to see it in or not. I much prefer to sleep.

Last Friday I woke up with the start of a stiff neck that gradually got worse as the day went on and that turned into a very painful pinched nerve and muscle spasms. After putting up with it and much help from Mark, I went into ER on Monday. After a 5 hour wait and several tests I was given pain pills and anti inflammatory pills.  Our dear friends Bettie and James took Lola to their house and while we were gone. PTL for their kindness.

Mark got a bit of a taste of the little things I do throughout the day, since he had to do them. I was so grateful for his help and he still has to help with some things. I was told to not do anything if it hurt, and some movements are  still quite painful. It’s a good thing that he loves me because this looks to be a very slow hearing process. :(

The weather has been pretty warm for the start of the new year, but the next several days will be cooler and much more to my liking. The high 60’s and mid 70’s are ideal for me.

We have been running the solar most days. But for some reason it seems that the controller isn’t functioning properly and not enough power is being put out. Mark has been looking into that and may have come to a solution. But a bit more research needs to be done before a purchase is made. With Yuma being the sunniest place in the US we should have more solar power if things are working correctly. I know Mark will get it all figured out.

As always, it's an adventure.

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