Saturday, January 27, 2018

January 25, 2018

January 25, 2018

The weather has been very pleasant, upper 60’s to low 70’s during the day and upper 40s to low 50’s at night. But from checking the weather this morning I see a warm up is on the way. Darn, I liked the 70’s. With the warmer temps strong winds will back again too. Fickle weather this winter.

The pain in my neck has left, for now. Now I’m dealing with pain in my shoulder and elbow again. Time to call the orthopedic doctor again. The shot I got last time didn’t help at all. So now it’s plan b, whatever that will be, I have no idea. But I don’t want to wait too long and it can’t be fixed easily.

Today we went to the huge RV show in Quartzite. Wow were there people. We had to park way back and walk a couple blocks to get to the tent area. That is where we started our viewing. So much to see and information to gather. We now are members of the Escapees and are dropping Good Sam. I’ve read a lot about this group and the couple at the show was very informative. They also have a mail forwarding service that we are going to look into. We don’t want to take advantage of our good friends Harlan and Kevin forever. They have been great.

There were booths for work camps, rv supplies and repairs and even kitchen tool demo’s. I was asked to come into a booth and have some make up put on. Reluctantly I agreed to her putting on some face make up. I told her that if my face didn’t itch or feel crawly in half an hour, I would come back and buy it. To my amazement I forgot it was even on my face. So at the end of our booth excursion we went back and I am now the proud owner of some really great make up. 

We toured many 5th wheels and motorhomes. One we went into had the price tag of $729,250. Oh my goodness did it have bling. What it didn’t have was storage or counter space in the kitchen. Nope, I wouldn’t trade our older 5th wheel for that one. I don’t need bling, I like storage and functionality much better. But even the newer 5th wheels didn’t impress us. We have twice the storage inside and kitchen work area, than any of the newer models. Yep, I’ll stick with the home that we have now. But it was fun to see what was out there now. Mark got some good information on a unit for showing us the amp usage of our solar system. It would be nice if we had a better idea of what we are using and what we have left on the battery charge. He is tweaking what we have now to save money. So we will see what happens

Lola was home all day and judging by the heat radiating on my recliner seat, she slept there all day long. We didn’t get home until after 5 and she had been a very good girl. She has been a wonderful travel dog. She loves to go for rides in the truck and after a few excited little whines, she lays  down on the back seat.

As always, it’s an adventure.

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