Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 24, 2018

This week didn’t start out very good for me. About two weeks ago I had to go to ER because of extreme pain in the neck and shoulder area. It took 5 hours before we left there. Not good waiting that long when you are in pain. But the doctor did finally see me and after 10 minutes with him I learned that I had a pinched nerve to do the discs losing the cushion between them. I was given strong pain pills and an anti  inflammatory pills. It took days to get better and now just under two weeks I am in pain once again. Thankfully with the help of the pills I now have, the pain is somewhat under control. I still cannot sit  or do much of anything for a very long period of time and I have to head back to my recliner and relax the neck muscles. Laundry day today and it can not wait for me to get over the pain. Mark will be learning the art of doing laundry in a laundromat.  I’m sure he’s not looking forward to that, but he is good at helping out when I am unable to do what I need to do. He doesn’t complain at all.

The weather has been on the cooler side but with sunshine. The highs so far have been in the high 60’s and lows in the mid 40’s. Later this week it will be warming up to the mid 70’s. Not a bad winter in Yuma. The solar is still working well for us. The sad part is when we use solar I don’t get ice for my water. It’s the little things in life. hehe

Can’t sit here any longer, so back to my recliner.
Until next time…..


  1. We are at #87 and you are not in your recliner! Greetings from Hutchinson. Bruce and Deb 320-582-3290. :)

  2. OH MY Goodness. What a wonderful surprise. We were so very happy to see you two. I'm glad you didn't walk the whole way. ;)
