Sunday, January 28, 2018

January 27, 2018


A typical morning. We sleep until after 8, have our coffee, head to the internet and kill two hours doing nothing but relaxing the morning away. 

Around 2 we decided to get off of our duff and go into town. We went to Lutes Casino for lunch. When we arrived to that area, we found roads blocked. There appeared to be some kind of celebration. We parked a couple blocks away from Lutes and learned that it was Date Day in town. There is a lot of date growing in the area so they celebrate that crop. There were a lot of people enjoying the food and festivities.

Lutes was packed with people even though there were many food vendors just outside their door.. We were told we would have a 20 to 30 minute wait, but it ended up being just 5 to 7 minutes and we were seated inside.

The “kitchen” at Lutes is just a very small area with a small flat top grill, fryer and prep area. But man on man can they put out food quickly and serve so many. It just blows my mind how they can work in such a small area serving so many people in a timely fashion.  The burgers are very good and one order of french fries can serve 3 people. The fries are hand cut so they are extra good.

After we ate we went outside and walked through the “midway” to see what was all there. Mostly food venders, a few trinket stands and a zip line. Mark really would like to have done that. The cost was $20 for two times. No way was I going to do that. So we continued our way through and to the truck.

Before coming home we drove into numerous RV resorts to check them out. Some of them were way out of our budget. A couple of the resorts were so large that it had street names as well as numbers. A few places were for sale and yes, we even called one just to hear the cost. It wasn’t badly priced, but the lot rent was out of our league.  Those resorts had wealthy written all over them. hehehe But it was fun to see some other parks besides ours and the ones right beside us.


  1. You should have let Mark do the zip line. It's always an adventure ! ;)

  2. I didn't say he could not, just that I was NOT going to do the zip line.
