Monday, March 20, 2017

Utah here we are.....

A long winding, and rolling road as we roll on down Hwy 95 heading to Utah. The gentle rolls in the road tickled my tummy like on the swings did as a child. The curves had me holding my breath as I have always done. Wow what a ride that was.

We took a break for the night in a small but very friendly campsite. A lot of the people there were from MN, heading back home.The whole day was terribly hot which made us even more anxious to get to Utah out of the Arizona heat.

The worst road was when the GPS had us go into or rather on the edge of Las Vegas Nevada. OMG, the traffic there was wild. How Mark held it together had to be from the skill that God gave him. He was amazing, while I on the other hand was a nervous wreck. Thank God I wasn’t driving. The wayside rests in Nevada are quite impressive and Lola liked the large doggie area they have as well.

A few miles outside of the previous mess, the scenery began to change. And Oh my gracious it changed into such beauty that I can not find the words to describe it. The hand of God really did some mighty exceptional work here. My finger started to cramp up from trying to capture everything on camera. Even the camera got mighty warm from it’s heavy work out. But no matter how hard I tried, no camera can capture the real thing.

The closer we got to Utah the more we ooed and aahed. As hard as it is to believe, at times we were speechless. For the first time I got to see the Rocky Mountains, and about jumped out of my seat when I got to see actual snow on the mountains. The topography just kept getting more beautiful  for us new travelers. Mark had to work hard to stay on the right side of road and still see some of the beauty. But it was all around us, front, back and all around. 

After many calls we managed to find one spot to camp for the night. A very friendly little guy held the site until we got there and guided us into the narrow site.  Getting into the site we got for the night was a bit of a challenge since they were small sites and the road was narrow. But Mark got it in in spite of being dog tired from another long drive.

The following morning we called around for another spot. Only to find all were full except a KOA campgrounds. It just happened to be just down the road from where we were too. I think the reason they have openings is because they cost more than most other places. But the price can not compare to the site that we face each and every morning. We had a two hour wait before we could check in to the KOA. So we drove down the road to a spot where we could pull over and have a lunch while we waited. Wow another great view of awesomeness.

Once checked in we were guided up to our campsite. Yes, I said UP to. We had to drive up the cliff to park. When we got out of the truck we noticed the breathtaking sight we would see every day for the next 5 days.

Being tired beyond words and in need of gas for the truck we headed into town for some sustenance. The JB Restaurant was open and are we glad that they were. The food and service was wonderful. If anyone is ever in Hurricane Utah, you have got to give them a try.

Until next time………

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