Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Prison was fun.....

 The guard tower was built on top of the water tower to keep the water clean and cooler.

Well, we all knew it would happen sooner or later…… but Prison was so fun

We went to the historical Yuma State Prison for a tour with a wonderful couple that we have as neighbors here at the park. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision and it worked out well. The weather was so perfect and our tour guide did a great job.

We were in awe of the view, we had when at the top of the hill, looking down on the area. And that was just from the parking lot. We entered through the gift shop where we were met with kindness from the staff. So much in that little area to look at and the prices weren’t highway robbery like some tourist places are. But then it was a prison so they really ought not rob anyone.

The very first inmates of the prison had to construct their own cell. Can you imagine building a concrete room for yourself with no window and only 6 by 10? Nope, no bathroom, just a chamber pot that is emptied just once a week. And a communal shower once a week as well. Although the showers weren’t as nice as the prisoners have now days. It was not the Ritz after all. Several attempts to break out of there were attempted but only one escaped never to be seen again. Bad behavior was met with being changed to a D-ring on the floor and your roommates were attached to you. No one wants to be changed up, let alone to someone that is mad at you for getting them chained up as well. Bad behavior was therefore a minimal concern for the guards. 

The wardens were called Superintendent’s and held with high respect. One  superintendent was held at knife point and defended by other inmates. He was stabbed in the neck and injured badly but lived for 13 years. After extreme suffering from increasing pain due to his injury, he committed suicide to escape the increasing unbearable pain.

The outside exercise area, was not as nice as it is for the prisoners now days either. There was nothing but bare ground. They had all things a lot worse than the inmates have it now. The inmates had to do the work of building anything that was needed. And the heat could and does reach as high as 120º. There was no air conditioning or heat.  But besides working they later also received schooling and had a library. No work was done on  Sunday, the day of rest. I really don’t see any inmates that are currently in prisons being able to withstand the hard rigorous work that the early prisoners had to endure. Perhaps the prisons wouldn’t be so full now if they had to work instead of being treated to so many luxuries.

                                             Lutes Casino

Before going to the prison we stopped at a place called the Lutes Casino, which isn’t a casino at all. At one time it was a huge pool hall and now is a greasy spoon eatery that has wonderful food and so much memorabilia all around, ceiling and walls. Outside we had to have our picture taken with our prison stripes to see how we would look should we fall onto the wrong side of the law. LOL As you can see Mark and Craig fit the attire well, but Sheralene and I didn’t like the horizontal stripes.

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