Monday, March 20, 2017

Big rig a rolling.....

All Aboard. Today we brake camp and head out north bound for new horizons. Where are we going? Well that is a good question as we have called around and it seems all of south Utah is be booked by Spring Brake Campers. So it looks like it's going to be another “Adventure"!

Long hot day but it felt good to hit he road again. Go figure, we no more than get out of Yuma and have to wait for a train to cross. So we are in line with 10 or more other vehicles when this older lady in front of us gets out and starts looking at her utility trailer and starts waving her hands in the air. Then walks up to our rig and asks if I could look at her hitch. So I get out and approach her car and trailer. So we are all headed down hill and I can't believe what I see. She has driven all the way out here with her hitch coupler locked above the ball and only one safety chain with a rusted open coupler. This thing should have come loose before she got out of town. I asked her where she is headed and she said Canada. I laughed and told her she should call back to town and get it fixed but she wanted nothing to do with that. I raised the trailer tongue and got the coupler on the ball locked and wired it closed. Wedged the safety chain closed and told her good luck with her travels. She gave me a hug said God Bless and I headed back to the rig. The train cleared the crossing as soon as I got back in and we all went on our way. Interesting how thing work out.

We finally got a spot to stay for more than one night. We are such newbies we didn't know this is their busy Season.
But now we have a spot for 5 days so I am officially on Spring Brake. I'm going to finally get to let my hair down. Oh wait, I don't have any left.
Guess its will just have to be myself😁
It's always a Adventure. Mark

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