Saturday, March 11, 2017

The San Diego stress

Ok fellow campers here is the latest in our 5er Adventure coming to you straight from the golden state of California. Specifically San Diego California.

First we should report that the climate is great here if not just a little warm and there seems to always be a breeze coming from the west. The pacific ocean is awesome and walking the board walk was really cool for a fat old guy like me. Not to mention the eye candy here is so amazing.

Now before I get anyone's dander up I would like to clarify that I am talking about my wife Cindy who for some strange reason felt the need to go walking barefoot along the beach with the waves coming up to her calves. Keep in mind the water temp is only 55 deg. So yes surprise surprise her feet got cold.

We also went down to the docks after signing up online for a 2 hour cruise on the San Diego Bay. We had a great time going with friends that had come here a few days earlier. Which led to some great pics of the harbor and city sky scape as well as the very large military presence here  in the bay.

Having led up to this point I want to make it clear that this is definitely a military town, bay and surrounding area. The first half of the tour included us passing one military installment after another while the second half of our tour included passing land almost exclusively donated by the military to the city of San Diego.

So now for a few things I have noticed while here for a few days. Parking Sucks!!!!!!! There are many attractions one would love to go see but keep in mind Cindy and I are traveling in a One Ton Dually. There is no where including at the motel where we are staying  that has a parking space to fit this big boy. And the parking at all the interesting exhibits is even worse. Plus you only get a 2 or 3 hour spot that is 1/2 to 1 mile away from where you want to be and a $40 dollar fine if you're lucky and they don’t tow your vehicle away.

As you may have guessed the Traffic Sucks as well. Now call me a small town boy but I am telling you I have only seen 4 or 5 motorhomes and absolutely no 5er’s and hardly a single One Ton anywhere we have traveled, which has been every day. But there are thousands upon thousands of cars and light trucks.

So someone is going to say well then just take a cab. Let me report on the price of gas here today @ $3.89 a gallon and guess what that adds to the cost of a cab ride. Not to mention they are all busy as well helping the more affluent of means by taking them where every they want to go.

Six lanes of traffic one way so narrow (yes Barb thanks for the heads up) that at one point we actually hit someone's mirror on their truck with ours but it is going so fast no one stopped. 

All in all we have had a great time here but I have now come to the conclusion that we next will be traveling up thru Utah bypassing the California run I was contemplating. In hopes of experiencing a little less stress I hope. 

On another note it is now getting up to 90 deg in Yuma and so after we get an update done to the One Ton on Tuesday we will be pulling out and slowly mosey north to St. George.

P/S while at the dock waiting for the cruise ship to get ready for us to board I watched a couple of wild lobster chasing across the bottom and climbing the base of some concrete pillars. Way cool and one of them was huge.

Some notable take-aways from our trip to San Diego...
Panhandlers are a common site at most any site that draws people.
Homeless people are a common site as well. Usually hanging out in groups in locations where they can more easily single you out for a handout.
Repair Shops have gates or drapes across their repair stall instead of doors.

This includes at the big Dealerships as well.

While taking a shortcut past a do not enter sign we got a chance to see a huge lot just off the harbor that was full of imported vehicles from multiple manufacturers  that had just been unloaded off ships.

Also saw a group of vehicle from Hertz Rental that were in a large lot waiting for recall repairs.

So keep smiling and remember, It is Always an Adventure!

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