Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The time is drawing near........

Where has the time gone. In less than two weeks we will be on the road again. But looking at the upcoming temps we may leave this area sooner. Neither of us like the temps as they get too far over the 70’s and the mid 90’s are in the forecast for the next two weeks and beyond. Yes, it is time to hit the road again.

All but two of our friends have left the resort. It’s kind of feeling like summer camp as you say good bye to new friends that you have come close to over the last 4 months. Some we will meet with and see again next winter, God willing.

Lola is getting groomed today so she will be all set until we can go back to the best groomer in the country, Dana at Dana’s Dog Spa. Oh my goodness do we miss her and her wonderful grooming skills.

When leaving our hometown we also had to leave behind the wonderful employees of Cashwise Pharmacy. The Walgreens and the Walmarts are not as friendly, helpful or fun as the great people at Cashwise. We will be happy to see them again too. 

We are not sure when we will be back in Minnesota, but I’m sure we will be met with the hot weather that we don’t like.  We have no set date for our return. We are retired and our home is wherever we park it so we come and go as we please. The best part of coming back, even for a short time, will be catching up with our family and friends, whom we have missed dearly.

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