Saturday, March 11, 2017

San Diego

Even though it is 93º here in Yuma, I am going to say it feels good to be home from California. We had a safe trip there and back, but I have a little less hair from the frightening drive through the mountains. I only like to look at mountains, not climb them, drive in them or camp in them. Going through those mountains made me not only scared spitless but with all the rock I kept looking for a sign that read Bedrock city ahead. I never did see the Flintstones or the Rubbles either. 

The traffic in San Diego was a complete nightmare. My poor Mark had to navigate our one ton dually through bumper to bumper narrow roads at speeds that set me to real strong praying. But he handled it like a pro……on the outside. I’m sure on the inside he was seething.  There were times that some pretty strong seething managed to escape him. LOL  Not only was the traffic a nightmare but parking is at a premium and for a truck the size of ours, it is impossible to find. There is no way that I would ever live there. Not for any amount of money or threats.

The first day there we went to a beach and yes, I actually walked into the water up to my calves. Well it was the waves that touched my calves, not me walking in that deep.  The water was so cold that by the time we got back to the boardwalk, my toes were painfully cold. So neat to see the ocean, it was a breathtaking sight. A sight I never thought that I would ever see. But thanks to my dear husband, I got to see and enjoy the view.

As you read in Marks entry, we did go on a two hour cruise of the bay. Boats and ships, like mountains, are just something that I like to look at not partake in at all. But I did manage to get on it and grabbed the first chair and sat without moving. Everyone else hung on the sides looking at what I  could see just as well in my chair. hehehe The view from my chair or the side of the ship was amazing and I am glad I was drug on board.  I might add that I was happier to get off. A glass of beer helped me get through the last hour though. :)

The last day there we went to Balboa park. So much to see that we didn’t get to it all. We both were so tired from the stress of the traffic we were just worn out early in the day. The architecture was unbelievable and everyone was so friendly and helpful. Great  place to see and it was free, whereas most places of interest cost an arm and a leg.

The trip home was welcomed, we had enough of California to last us a lifetime.  The time has come for us to tie up loose ends, here in Yuma, so we can hit the road in 5 days.We are more than ready to move on and see some other places. But we had a great winter with no snow or frigid temperatures and plan to return to Yuma next fall.

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