Saturday, March 25, 2017

An Oasis in Pahrump, Nevada

Here we are in Pahrump, Nevada for a month, at the most beautiful RV resort we could imagine. When we found this place on the internet we weren’t quite sure if it was real or not, because it was also so affordable. But by the grace of God, it was everything that they said it was a much more.

The drive here took about 5 plus hours. There was another time change to our travel so not sure on the exact time. Just when I think we are used to one time, we move and the time changes. The scenery was grand going through the mountains again, but then the road was as flat as South Dakota. The only difference was the actual topography of mountains to the side of us and tumble weeds. What a long and boring drive. Mark set the GPS so  it didn’t take us through Las Vegas again, Praise the Lord. Poor Mark was getting so sleepy. So we made one stop at a Target for Pepsi and popcorn. A stretching of our legs and some caffeine to wake us up and we were on the road again. 

The road that led us to the campgrounds was under construction which turned the road into one lane. Thankfully we didn’t have to wait too long for the escort down the road. What we saw at the next turn was beyond our expectations. The sight of the RV resort was like an oasis in the desert. And that is where we are, in the desert, but the resort was real and beyond our dreams of perfect.

Check in went smoothly and we were met with warm welcomes. Being lead to our site had us overwhelmed by all the beautiful landscaping and waterfalls in the resort. Once we were in our site and waved good bye to our site guide, we surveyed our site. What we found was a bit of an issue so we walked to the office. We explained that because of a dead tree that hung too far over our site, we couldn’t open one of our slides without getting it scratched up, and the other side we couldn’t open or we would hang 3 feet over onto the neighbors site. Now don’t get me wrong the sites are a very nice size. Anyway, some men came and took down the branches that were in our way and Mark moved the 5er over three feet. They even cut off three branches or prongs off of a palm so it wasn’t in our way to get to the back of our rig. My goodness what service. All of this was done with a smile and happy you are here attitude. That is what I call service for royalty. That is just what we felt like too. Never had we thought that we would ever stay in a place as nice as this. But is so very affordable.

After several hours of setup we washed up and walked down to the restaurant for some supper. Oh did I forget to mention, the main building also has a restaurant? Well not only that but a 5 lane bowling alley, full gym, jacuzzi, two pools, hot tub, laundromat, convenience store and sauna. This place has it all. And happily we will be here for a month. The weather here, for now, is an added bonus of being in the mid 70’s during the day and 40’s and 50’s at night.

Today we plan on laying low for a bit, it was a long tiring drive to get here. A walk around our grand resort today will give my camera a good work out again. So I'll be adding more pictures.

Here are just a few pictures of the gym that is located in the main building at our resort. Amazing to say the least, as if everything else here.

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