Thursday, March 16, 2017

On the road again....

Tomorrow morning we will say good bye to the last of our friends here at the resort. It was so fun getting to know them and sharing lots of fun and making memories with them. God willing we will see them again some day.

We have as much ready as we can get done in preparation of our leaving in the morning. Morning will be very busy so that we can hit the road as soon as possible. Lola will be rather anxious not quite understanding what all the hub bub is all about. But once she gets in the truck on her blanket, she will be happy. She is a good travel dog and loves to watch the road and give Mark an occasional lick in the ear as we roll on down the road. hehe She will sleep most of the way once the excitement wears her out, waking only to get a drink, give us a snuggle and let us know she needs to get out. ;) We always get out and stretch our legs too. We don't travel more than 250 miles a day. That's all us old folks can do. LOL

 Some time in June or July we will be in Minnesota.  And we will do our best to touch base with all of our family and friends for the short while we will be there.

Including us in your prayers for safe travels will be greatly appreciated.

And the adventure continues

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