Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Saturday surprise

It’s 8 pm here and I just packed my last 6 boxes for the day. This morning Mark came to the house and told me that a neighbor will help Mark bring our bed and my chair to the house tomorrow morning. That was quite a surprise since we won’t have our internet and satellite hooked up there until Tuesday. But I’ve been too busy to be on the internet or watch much tv lately. So I don’t think I’ll miss it much. It will be easier to pack and move  now that I don’t have to think of what to take and what to leave here. I’ve run into being without something I needed just too many times the last couple days. So I’m more than ready to call one place home!!!! I'm sure Lola will be happy to stay in one place and not be drug back and forth and wonder which place is home or maneuver around the mess around here. The small chest freezer and my desk will come over when Mark has off. Then it will be the odds and ends and cleaning so Ray come move right in to his new home here.

Today I took down the sheers and had intentions of washing them. They were filthy and all needed to be hemmed by about 5 inches. All the sheers hung and drapped the floor.  No way can I hem them and have them even, they are too slippery.  So off to WM to see what they had that was reasonable in price. Tada, all new sheers for under $5 a panel and they don’t drag on the floor. I didn’t have to do anything but hang them up. Well the front window needs the rods lowered but that is no rush. I have no idea why those rods were placed so much higher than all the others. Hmmmmm

Tomorrow I’ll move all the stuff in the fridge and all the boxes I have packed. That should keep me busy for most of the day. I also have to figure out how to get some laundry done too. Mark will wear his last clean shirt for work tomorrow. But I can wash and leave all on the lines to dry while I do other things. I just have to remember to get the ironing board to the house.  And not forget that I have clothes on the lines. LOL

Jose' and his crew really had their work cut out for them to get the ductwork in to the AZ room. When Jack built the AZ room he did it very professional and had put in concrete ground pillars for stability. That is why the floor and room feels so much more stable than any of the others we have been in.  He didn’t cheap shot anything he did on the place. But after 12 years some things need a little tweaking, but nothing serious, like some painting and touching up here and there and adjust a couple of the window screens.

Now I need to see if the budget can stretch for a “real” water softener. We have been using the one we had in our RV, which is still working just fine. We don’t need a big one since we have no washer or dishwasher and it’s just the two of us. But it still has to be paid for.  Maybe  I can tell him to go and get one and be done with his having to soften the water every 5 to 6 days with table salt and stand there and wait to start the next cycle. It would be nice not running out of soft water in the middle of my shower. hehehe He would also have to build a box to keep the softener protected from the heat of the Yuma sun.  That would cost another $100 or more to build. Mark builds things to last.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Thinning down

The things in here are really thinning down and it looks like a hurricane has gone through here. But the porch looks like a hoarder lives here except that the boxes stacked out there are empty. And my craft stuff is buried in the rubble so it will be some time before I can get to that. It's too small in here to pack and pack and not move it out so I can only pack a few boxes at a time. Living in Yuma anything you have outside will get covered in dirt so it is pack and move. Even though we love our little Smart Car, it only hold 5 to 6 boxes at a time. That means a lot to trips back and forth. Thankfully the little car gets good gas mileage.

Yesterday I had to do house chores like laundry and some shopping. But I did manage to get most of my clothes moved to the new place. A small box of bathroom stuff got moved too. I have to admit it felt good not having to pack and move many boxes.

Today, now, my plans are to move the rest of my clothes other than what I will need for the next 4 days. And get most of Marks clothes moved too. I'd really like to get both of  the closet's emptied today and washed.  Some of the pots and pans could get moved today too. The meals I have planned for the remainder of our stay here are simple so I shouldn't need all of them. I better stop thinking because as I think I find more and more for me to do today and I can only do so much.

Wednesday we had the outside of our new place power washed. They did a great job and the windows are so clean it's hard to know if they are open or closed. When the men were finished they even put the patio furniture back on the porch. You can now see what is the color the trim and main part of the house. Wow was it ever filthy. But now it looks great.

I'm not one that can live very well in a messy area and right now the new place is much less messy than here. Neither place is organized and that drives me nuts too. As I unpack I'm just placing things where they fit so I can start filling the boxes again. I have all summer to make the mess into some semblance of organization. But I know me, I will redo all of it time and time again.

As I pack boxes I'm amazed at how quickly a small area can get so full. And to our dear son, it is still like a grocery store here, even without the walk-in pantry like at the old house. It just shows how much I like to cook and we both like to eat. LOL

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Two truck loads

It felt good to sit in my  recliner with my aching feet up and sore back resting last night. We got all their stuff boxed and hauled out. It took two truck loads to get most all of it out. Now if the managers daughter will come and get the bed tomorrow everything would be out. Well almost, we have some things that we will bring here for Ray and a recliner to dump. There are still some men here that can help us with the stuff I can’t help Mark lift. The thrift shop will be happy to see all the stuff we donated. I hope they bring a big truck, there is a lot of stuff at the drop site and not all is from us.

Today I will wash all the cabinets and fridge. They are really dirty. I’ll have to clean the floor too, a lot of crud fell out of the cabinets and I don’t want Lola to get into whatever it is that fell. I’ll do the floor first then come back here and get her and one of her  beds. Then she will have a little feel of home while we are there. Mark will work on whatever he has planned for today. One thing, I hope, will be to get the three pieces of furniture out of the new place and here for Ray.  hope to get some things packed and moved today and tomorrow. A little each day and we will be ready for the final move in a week or so. With Mark working so many hours it will take a little longer. We have about 2 weeks to get out of here, more or less.

 Wednesday Mark goes back to work and has a 6 day run too.  Not something he is looking forward too. So I’ll be on my own. For now I’ll just put things in cabinets and arrange them later.  We just want to be in one place and not run back and forth. Then I can sit and rest more too. My back, legs, hands, and feet were pushed to their limit yesterday. I wanted to wash out cabinets, but stopped before I got too sore. Too much to do to try and get done in just a couple days,. I’m not a pup anymore.  And I’m not stupid either, just stubborn. Hehehehe 

 We turned on the ac at the new place and found that it really works well. So we were happy with that. We just need Jose’ to come and put the duct work in the Arizona room. 

Our AZ room will be a full room once our stuff from MN is here, but functional too. The two almost new dressers in storage, that never sold, will be great storage. And you can never have too much storage. Thankfully the new place has much more storage as this place. We just need a bigger shed. Which we will have to save for, as well as a carport. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Getting closer

Tomorrow we will be able to get into our new home and start packing up their stuff to make room for our things. Mark has off so I hope that he will help but I'm sure he will see other things that will need to get done. We are so anxious to get moved into our new home. It would be nice to get the big stuff in while we still have neighbors to help with the lifting.  I'm no help with that at all anymore. The heavy stuff is the small chest freezer, bed, desk and my chair. My chair comes apart so maybe we can handle that one ourselves. In one piece it is very heavy.

The days are getting warmer and the sun is starting to show its strength. Summer is fast approaching here in Yuma. We are still having comfortably cool nights  and I've not yet felt a need to turn on the a/c even when it hit 88º. A fan works just fine for now. No humidity really does make a huge difference in the heat tolerance.

No church today since we both finally got some much needed sleep. It's been a long time since we slept past 6, and in Marks case 4:30. And let me say, it felt great to feel rested when I got up this morning.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Last night I had to take out and stop wearing the partial. It is cutting my gum and tongue and causing so much pain. I left a message at Castle Dental as to when I can get in and get it fixed. I have to wear it all the time to get the tooth next to the implant go upright and not lean or the implant won’t fit and it will cause all kinds of issues.  I know Mark had to have his adjusted many times to get it close to right. This is just one tooth so it shouldn’t take so long. The bad part is Mark works until Monday so I would have to wait until then to get the partial fixed right. And last night I slept on my right side too long and now the tooth extracted side is more swollen and sore again. I hope I don’t mess up again tonight. There is also a bruise on that side of my face and now it’s swollen again too. Looks like Mark punched me in the jaw. 😩 He would never do that. Tape my mouth shut maybe, but never ever hit me.

Yesterday I got the bedspreads washed, dried, packed up into bags and put away. Today I wash the sheets, and whatever else is in the hamper. I am going to take down and pack up some of the things that I have on the walls and the like.

A really nice weekend is in the forecast and poor Mark has to work. He said last night there was only a couple hours where it was really busy and then it went way down. I hope that means that more snowbirds will leave this weekend and the shopping around here will get easier and fun again.

Mark did remember to bring more boxes home. He asked if I was packing already and I said no, but we will need as many boxes as he can get home. Some for their stuff that I am not keeping and for our stuff that I will be moving to our new home. So that is going to take a LOT of boxes.

Mark was so sweet, he brought home some more bananas for me last night. The easiest and most filling thing I can eat. I’m out of cottage cheese, but I have ice cream :) Today I'm going to try and slurp down some mashed up meatballs mixed in mashed potatoes. It sounds awful, but I have to get in some protein somehow. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Dental work

Yesterday I got my dental work done in Mexico. I had an extraction and bone graft done on the bottom right and the peg put in the bottom left for an implant. The whole process took about an hour and a half. The office was so clean and the dentist so attentive and gentle. The time we had to stand in line to get back into the US took about half an hour. Which was good that it didn't take any longer. By the time we got to the check point the novocaine was starting to wear off and the pain was beginning to hurt like hell.

By the time we got home I was in a world of hurt. The pain was only on the right side, the dental implant side was pain free. The hydrocodone never touched the pain from the bone graft and extraction. But it did give me one heck of a headache. So I took three aspirin, laid down and slept for two hours. The rest of the night I put up with the pain until bedtime. I don't like taking those kinds of pills so I just put up with the pain. Since it did help me sleep I did take another one at 3 am to make it to morning. The pain this morning was minimal so no pain pill at all, just some aspirin and ice packs for the swelling on the right side. I still am not to chew so it's just soft easy swallow foods. By this weekend I should be able to chew soft foods.

I have a partial over the implant screw to reset the tooth next to it to a more upright position. In 4 months when I go back for the implant cap the partial will be done with. And I will then also have the screw put in for the other implant in the place where the tooth was extracted on the right side. The whole process will take a total of 8 months. It takes 4 months for the screw area to heal.

Today we got the title for our new home transferred into our names. It was quite a process due to wrong dates being entered and us have to to start over with signatures. But now it's all done and we own our new home. Sunday the previous owners will be heading back to Washington and we can start measuring and packing up their stuff to make room for our things.

The AZ room has no ducting to the room from the heat pump/ac unit. So that will be the first thing we will have to get done.  Then to puppy proof the porch so Lola is safe from running around the park or elsewhere.  We will have a very busy 3 months or so. Thankfully the person that bought our home will not be moving in until a month later so we have extra time to move. Which for us old farts is a good thing. We can't do as much as we used to anymore or as quickly as we once did. And packing up two homes is going to take a lot longer than one. I wish the other couple could take more of their stuff. But the local charities will like receiving a lot of nice things.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Big scare

After changing the title and getting paid for our trailer, that evening the owners son called us with not so good news. His dad was in the hospital and not expected to make it. He was ready to sign the trailer back to us and us keep the money. But as it was his dad pulled through and was going good the next day. Thank you God. So the sale and move is proceeding almost as planned. The change is that instead of the new owner moving in on April first, he is moving on the first of May. We were told we could leave our stuff here and use that time to move out gradually instead of killing ourselves in two weeks. Again Thank you God!! We were also asked if we could supervise the movers for the father. He is old and quite forgetful and slow. So of course we said we would help out. His son lives in Texas and has a business to attend to so he really couldn't leave right now. We will only be living about a block away anyway. It's nice we could do God's bidding since HE has been so good to us.

Mark is bringing home boxes and in another week we will start packing up the stuff at our new place and figure out where to go with most of that. We need to make room for our things. Once our stuff from MN is all here we will get rid of most if not all of the things from the previous owners. All except the nice 7 foot couch that Mark has claimed as his. hehehe Once we have made room for our things we will begin packing and moving our items. Internet and cable will have to be there the day we stay there!!!!!!! The cable here in the park is a big joke and God forbid we don't have internet. LOL How did we live without that for so many years? hehehehehe Quite well actually. We actually talked and interacted with one another. Most people are recognized by the top of their heads now rather than their faces. So sad.

Monday, March 11, 2019

The last time.

Well we did it again. We are moving again, but this is the last time, or so we hope. As of this morning our home now belongs to someone else and in a few short weeks we will be moving into our new home. That will be a long and hard ordeal.

Moving into our new home means that we have to clear out the things of the previous owners before we can get our things moved in. Almost all park models here are sold furnished. There are some items that we will be keeping until we bring our things from MN to Yuma. But there will still be many items that will have to go. They are leaving a nice 7 foot couch that Mark has claimed as his, hehehe. But I really don't want much else. Our church does a lot for the underprivileged so we will donate quite a bit to that cause. Our new home is bigger than where we live now, but space is still limited compared to a house. No room for things we don't need and it's not a storage facility either.

Mark went from having the flu for 16 hours to going back to work and then we had  to go go go to sell and finalize the sale. With all that neither of us have gotten much sleep and are about ready to drop. Tomorrow, God willing, we will sleep in until at least 8, 9 would be great. Then lunch with our dear friends James and Bettie. It's also laundry day so I'll be doing that later in the day. Plus a trip  to Walmart is a must. And Mark works again too.  Good grief another full day. We won't be able to stop until the end of June. And then I highly doubt we will be done unpacking and sorting.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Big Bang morning.

Yesterday our morning started with a bang. Around 10:30 two gentlemen were walking around our home. One came to the door and asked if he and his 94 year old father could look at our home. They looked around and we enjoyed chatting with them too. They said they would get back to us in a couple days with the decision. About half an hour later they called again and asked if they could talk to us. Well, to make a long story short the older man, Ray, offered to buy our place at our asking price. They said that they will come back Monday morning to give us a check, transfer the title and call it a deal. Now we have to find a place to live, that we can afford.

I already know which park model I want. I walked over there several times to take another look and asked what their bottom dollar was. They dropped the price another $1500 to get really close to what I was going to offer. Mark wishes that one had a carport and a bigger shed and so do I. But the the home is soooo nice. It has a huge AZ room and a full and half bath. It's also 8 feet longer than our current home and more storage. God allowed our home to be sold so he must have plans on how we can buy a new place and still be able to bring our stuff home from MN. I’m thinking of selling my motorcycle so that would help Mark get a bigger shed, he isn't too happy with that thought. But I’d rather have him have a shed to put his motorcycle in then for me to have my Helix. But it’s whatever God has planned for us. I trust Him to help us make the right decision. If God takes you to it, He will see you through it.  We were going to pull our place off the market if it didn’t sell by the end of this month. But I guess we will be moving sooner. It will be so nice to have more room in the hot summer months and room to get out of each others hair now and then. hehehe And enough room for a lot of our stuff that is still in storage. We have a lot to do and think about in the next couple weeks.

So that all explains why I didn't get much sleep last night. Neither of us could clear our mind and let it go. I think it was around 2:30 when I last looked at the clock. And it was 6:20 when I saw the time again. But I laid in bed hoping for just one more hour of sleep. At 7 I gave up and just waddled, bumped and served to the coffee maker. I really wish I could drink full leaded coffee and not the half cafe stuff. But my heart doesn't need anymore excitement. As it is our next few months will be wild enough.

I had to cancel my dentist appointment for Monday and make if for another day this week. They will call me to confirm a day, or so they said. But like everything else in AZ  and Mexico, they don't move very fast so I may have to call myself to reschedule.  Around here the thought is "it will be today, tomorrow or never". Never a definite time. Even an appointment for 10 could be noon or later before you get called for the service.  So we have learned to never say "whenever you get around to it", because it is quite likely that it won't happen at all. 😟

Friday, March 8, 2019


Mexico to the rescue once again. Yesterday we went to a dentist in Mexico and I was quite pleased with the cleanliness, care, and professionalism of the dentist. It was cleaner in there than the doctors clinic here in the foothills. The dentist was much more interested in the reason I was there then any doctor I have seen in Yuma.

The dentist went over the x-rays with me and explained everything with me. He went over all options without ever trying to convince me of what to do. The prices were all up front and only 1/4% of the cost in the US. That being said I will be able to have the swollen gland taken care of by putting in an implant, one badly decayed tooth extracted and have an implant in that spot as well. The whole process will take 8 months to complete. Each implant takes 4 months to heal once the peg is put in place.

Monday I go in for one tooth extraction and one peg to be placed. I have a feeling that I'll be eating pudding, soup and ice cream that day. In 4 months I will go back for the "tooth"/cap to go on the peg and that tooth will be done. The extracted tooth area will then get it's peg. In 4 months, after it heals, I will go and get the final implant cap put on. God willing, that should take care of the immediate issues I have been having to deal with in my mouth. It is a long process to get to the final outcome, but if it means no more pain it's worth the time.

Let's go back three years..... just a month before we left for our RV journey, I had a bottom molar pulled because of the gum getting pinched under a cap and being very painful. With time being an issue and another large amount of money for a new cap and process, the tooth was pulled. Two years down the road I was having major issues with my left gland swelling and being painful every time I ate. Each doctor I saw just gave me an antibiotic and it would go down after a couple weeks but return a bit later with a vengeance. I dealt with this for the last two years. When another tooth became abscess I finally went to see a dentist not a medical doctor, here in the foothills. He wanted to do a root canal on the decayed tooth for the outrageous price of $3500!!!!!!! But didn't want to even look at the side with the swelling. That price being out of reach, and lack of concern, is when we decided to go to a dentist in Mexico, one that our friends have gone to with good results. The dentist in Mexico explained how leaving the gap/missing tooth by another molar was causing the pain and swelling, it was leaning towards the empty spot making the roots push into my jaw. He also explained the root canal or an implant in the decayed tooth. The total cost for all that came to just a fraction of what the root canal in Yuma would have cost. And I actually had a concerned dentist wanting me to be pain free.

Now if I could only find a medical doctor in Arizona with compassion and skills. But AZ is known for poor medical services. Although Yuma has the third best cardiac care in the country. That's good to know since we both have heart issues. We were informed that Yuma is short some 37 doctors, so if you know of any doctors looking for work, send them to Yuma. They will be very busy.