Monday, October 1, 2018

More to come

This morning we hustled our butts to get to the store before anymore bad weather left us without milk and bread. Heaven forbid the Bentons run out of milk!!! We had a dry run so we even stopped for breakfast🍳 at our favorite place, The Foothills Eatery. A short ride🚗 looking around was a nice bonus before heading home. There was even time before the rain for Mark to get the water softened. PTL!!

It wasn't long and the rain started, but at a lesser degree than yesterday. Back in MN we would call this a million dollar rain. Just a nice slow soaking rain all afternoon. Now, after catching the weather report, we have learned that the worst is yet to come. Hurricane Rosa is really going to make an impact on our weather. The moisture is much needed to ease the 18 year drought, but when the rain comes with such turbulence, it causes a lot of damage, which no one wants. Many businesses, schools, homes and shelters felt the wrath of yesterday's storm.  They were left some major damage. I pray that they will not any major issues again.

The challenge that we have tonight is dodging the rain to get Lola out to do her duty! She, like most people, doesn't really like walking in the rain. WM, as well as other places were all sold out of umbrella's. Imagine that, needing an umbrella🌂 in the desert. Yes, we do get rain,☔ not often but it does rain. Well neither of us will melt. If that were the case, I would stand in the rain until I got the remainder 20 pounds off. 😮

1 comment:

  1. We have had some wild rainstorms latley too, we had a huge branch down the toher day, and today right as Mia was coming home it got really really nasty,she said she watched it approach her on the hwy like a wall of rain lol. I was at the store and just as i was leaving this mother with her daughter was saying "quick honey before the rain hits" as they scurried across the parking lot, i saw grey clouds but no big deal, then i checked the radar and she was right a bad storm was about to hit as oon as i got on the road and was looking in another direction i realized the sky was black and i made it in with my thing about 2 mins before it dropped. im still on nights for a few more weeks , its actually gotten nice in some respects but overall its still night work so im always dioriented on what day it is, and i still often get tired at my normal time and then just hit a second wind after i strt working. still havent gotten invites for the wedding out BUT we do hgave the envelops stuffed, stamed, and sealed, but we need addresses yet, and we need to pay more to ship as they cannot be machine sorted so it will cost more than the average stamp. Patrick is doing well in school and promised me he will get his post secondary paperwok filled out tonight and turned in hopefully tomorow. Thr midcountry bank here by my house allows dogs so i brought rory with today and they wre all so excited it was hard to tell if rory or they were happier. Im glad you guys managed the storms well and I hope you guys get to enjoy some nicer weather for a while now, aside from it being very wet latley its been nice and cool in the 50s, except today where it was 76 with sooooo much humidity till the storm hit. Love you guys *big hug*
