Sunday, September 30, 2018


Today just before Mark left for work we got a little taste of the flash flooding. First the wind kicked in like on the Wizard of Oz. About half an hour later the rain come down in buckets with a force I've not seen since leaving MN just before a tornado. The rain kept up until around 4 at which time Lola and I went out to see how the park withstood the powerful rain and wind. One home had the skirting ripped off on one side, the rest of the homes looked ok.

I'm glad that I did the laundry yesterday or I would've been washing clothes in the parking lot using a rock or washboard. That whole area was flooded.
Before we headed back home we passed by two new swimming holes that used to be the volleyball court and the horseshoe court.

 Getting off of the porch Lola and I needed to use the front gate because the driveway was flooded.
Down many roads there was no way of crossing without boots or a boat. hehe As I was saying this was only a taste of what is yet to come. The flood watch continues through tomorrow and through Tuesday night. Right now it is calm, no breeze, muggy and everything is saturated as is our porch and all the shoes and sandals that were on the porch.

I heard that the pumps in Yuma were down so the water is still sitting in many places yet. We had a little flicker of power when the whole mess started but praise be to God, our power has remained on and stable. Being new to the area in the summer, I do have candles ready if need be.

Yesterday I should have gone to the store for milk and bread, but my back was giving me real pain so I just stayed in my recliner after doing the laundry. Tomorrow, God willing, the next round of nasty weather will hold off until we can make a run to the store and back home. Mark has off so he will drive us with the truck, incase roads are still flooded. The SmartCar, may be too small to clear the water safely

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