Friday, October 5, 2018

Feeling better

I am definitely liking the changes happening her in the Sonoran Desert temps have a way of changing almost over night. As you know most of the summer I have been showering off after each morning in the pool in cold water. Now do not go burrr. The cold water here is almost too hot to shower off in during the summer. Well within just a week or so I have been having to add a hot warm water mixed in with the cold to find a happy medium.
The temps which were in what Yuman's call the single digits 101 to 109 deg. during the day have now dropped into the high to mid 80’s during the day and down into the high 70’s at night. Trust me with a breeze It feels cool.
Also I finally got the Cortisone shots in my hands taken care of and am ecstatic with the results so far. My left hand which had become almost useless as I could not grip anything with it over night has an almost 80% improvement. The right hand I now have at least partial mobility of the thumb and believe another shot will resolve that as well.
I have to say that you living in Minnesota can Thank God you have a state that Values Health Care. Do not take that for granted for at least here in Yuma that can not be said!
The outcome of both my procrastinating and going thru the waiting room boredom, I have seen more writing on bathroom walls than literature to read in these waiting rooms. But the biggest outcome from this is No More Pain. My hands have hurt so bad at night and finally all the time that I have not been able to sleep even wearing the compression gloves was only offering minimal relief.
Now I have over years gotten up during the night not sleeping much more than about 3 to 3 ½ hours at a time. But living thru the pain was waking me up after just an 1 ½ hours. Yep I can truly say it sucked to be me……
You might ask yourself why the hell did he not go to the doctor sooner as you knew there was something wrong?
Well it was something I knew leading up to what they found when I did my health card this year for my CDL license. I have Type 2 diabetes and when I originally asked the Doctor about my hands he said that may well be a side effect from the diabetes. Of course he also to me I might die and should have passed out, so I guess his opinion is only worth the $75 dollars I paid him.
Now the true assessment brought on by my diabetes condition and quite possibly all the Gravy I have slurped down even to the point of adding it to pizza over the years is that I have quite possibly lost the feeling in my left heel and my right ring finger forever. Although I have a goal of losing more weight which may change that outcome as well.
Speaking of weight I am very proud to say I have stayed under the 200 lb mark for a week now and am feeling pretty good about it. That is 25 to 27 pounds off my starting point and I feel puts my goal of the 180’s in site. Notice the ‘s in 180’s? That means 189 pounds counts…
I wish to give a Big Thank You to my loving bride Cindy for keeping my feeding habits, to what I feel our bare minimum for survival, in check.
To Caravan Oasis for the Pool we have virtually all to ourselves to do an hour plus long workout in, almost each morning.
And get this “Walmart” for giving me a 32 hour a week job in produce that makes me attempt to keep up with kids half or less my age and walk 5+ to 7 miles a day. Yep if it wasn’t for the fact I still part my hair down the center you might not recognize me if you walked by.
So in closing I also want to thank all of my friends for their words of care and encouragement. And to let people know, now that it has passed, 120 deg. is dam hot but we made it thru and now have 6 months to beautiful weather to look forward to. How about you………
Stay Cool my friends and if your ever are passing by Yuma drop by! Our door (at least in the winter) is always open!

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