Thursday, October 18, 2018

Happy happy.

Ok, I know this is going to come as a shock to all, but I am doing the happy dance because the heater in the pool is back on!!! That means I can get back to my pool exercising.  I know that me being happy about going back in the water is a major surprise. But I don't like walking alone, and using exercise machines is just too boring and I don't like to sweat! I do enough of that just living in Arizona, why make it worse. In the pool I can work up a sweat and not even know it or I can just squat down deeper in the water to cool off. 😎 Nope, I never go under water. Remember, I don't like water in my face or my ears.

The morning temperatures are too cool, 60's for me to go to the pool in the morning so my afternoon will now be exercise pool time. Maybe my fading tan will renew and my muscles will regain their strength. As much as I fought Mark on getting me into the pool I am enjoying the benefits of the pool now.

Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I wanted to talk to my mom, I know she can't always talk back, and I know she is on her deathbed, but I know she can at least hear me. Her husband told me to go to his facebook page, instead of calling him, for any updates.  Talk about a sock in the gut. I knew he hated me but this is just down right cruel and mean. Thankfully my brother Mike will call me when he goes to see her and my cousin Patty will inform me of any updates on the said facebook page.  God Bless them both. My dear son, I love your caring but leave this alone. It's already been dealt with. I'm at peace with the whole situation.   Mom is all he has and once she is in her heavenly home, he will be all alone again. So sad.

Today is a new day and it's laundry day. That is pretty much what every day has been for me so far this week. I've been trying to get all the blankets and such done before the snowbirds come and the laundry room and clotheslines are so busy. By Saturday I should be caught up  with the laundry. My goodness my days are so mundane. hehehehe But I'm happy with my life.

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