Monday, October 8, 2018

Winter readiness in AZ.

Here in AZ winter readiness is like springtime in MN. We clean off the patio or porch, rake up the leaves that are still on the ground, take off the foil insulation on the windows and put flowers outside. And that is what was done yesterday afternoon. We once again have sunshine coming in all windows, well except for the bedroom window. That window may stay covered, it sleeps better without the rising sun streaming through way too early in the morning. With the sunshades on the windows we don't get all that much air flow but it does keep the dirt from entering so much too.  We just put fans in the doors when we need air movement. The days are so nice in the winter and the nights can drop into the chilly upper 30's. Some days we go through three different sets of attire. hehehe

It's so nice waking up and opening the doors and windows to the fresh cool morning air. Maybe tonight, if the house cools down enough by bedtime,  we will leave all the windows open. I'm not comfortable leaving the doors open unless I am home and awake. Lola may be a smaller type dog but she had become very protective and offers great protection. Not to mention other means of security that we have. But why ask for trouble.

There is a downside to having all the doors and windows open. On windy days such as yesterday some of the desert comes in and lands on everything. So fall and winter I do a lot more cleaning. But to not have snow and nose freezing weather, I'll take the extra chore of cleaning.  So may ask us, how can you stand the heat of the summer? Well we handle it the same way we handled winter, we stay inside most of the time.

The snowbirds are coming in faster and seem just as rude as last year. I do believe the nicest snowbirds are our neighbors. Mark said you can easily tell the snowbirds from the AZ residents by their rudeness. Retail loves the increased sales but hates the attitude that comes with some of the visitors. So when you visit another state, or anywhere for that matter, show off the good side of yourself and leave the attitude in the suitcase. We are all the same, money does not make you superior to anyone.

As some of you may know, my mom is not doing well. Jesus is making a place for her that is just perfect. A place where she will not have anymore pain, grief or stress, just the peace of being with our Lord savior.  Being so far from MN, makes it difficult for us to make decisions of what and how to do things. We are almost 2000 miles from MN. To fly back and forth is out of the question, we live on a limited income and flights and car rentals and dog kennels are not cheap by any means. Some people are treating us with utmost understanding and some are quite mean. But until you walk in our shoes you have no right to be judgemental. Our hearts are breaking and this is no time to cause us more pain. But as God forgives us I will forgive you.

1 comment:

  1. people who would judge you for that arent real people they are assholes, and family that would treat you that way arent family, they are just blood. ive learned that difference and i know you have too. i am alsway here for you mamma, not a day goes by i dont think about you and dad. you are in my heart and mind now more than when you were 2000 miles closer. the family i have here now is so excited to meet both of you, it take an amazing pair of people to make someone like me, thanks, love you bunches *big hug*
