Friday, October 12, 2018


This morning I woke up to a nice slow soaking rain. That makes for good sleeping in too. I didn't crawl out of bed until almost 8 this morning. The pain pill last night helped too. There is laundry to do today and I was really hoping to use the clothes lines. Oh well, maybe it will be nicer this afternoon.

After putting off having a massage for over two years I was way overdue,  so yesterday I went in for a much needed massage. I carry every stress, concern and worry across my shoulders and arms. For quite some time I've been having painful muscle issues.The therapist said my muscles were so tight she was amazed that I could function. I told her that my functions were limited. hehe Being a bit tender from the deep muscle massage I took a pain pill before bed. It helped so I got a better night's sleep. My neck doesn't grind as much when I turn my head now and I don't get the shooting pain when I lie down in bed as badly. Because the muscles were so tight it will take another treatment to get them to almost normal. The therapist was very caring and attentive to any discomfort as she worked. I won't put off going in for a massage now.

Mark has a few days off from work so he is enjoying his free time. But there are a few home repairs that will need his attention when it stops raining and dries off. At least he won't get bored. hehehe This afternoon we will need to go and get the things that he needs to get the jobs done. Listening to the rain, the chores may have to wait another day to get done. But we will have the supplies needed for when it stops.

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