Monday, October 15, 2018

Brisk morning

Woke up to  a brisk 61º, sunny skies and a light breeze. The nights have really cooled down and so far the days are staying in the low 80's. I know that it's fall so the highs will fluctuate higher and lower before settling down in the mid to upper 70's for the winter.

Rumor has it that the heater in the pool is being worked on and will turned on shortly. We really do miss our morning exercise time. But even with the heater being on, my time in the pool will be afternoon when the air temp is warmer than the morning temps.

In church yesterday the pastor turned the message over to the youth director and music tech. Wow, what an amazing job he did. The young man is very intelligent, well versed in his bible and can really deliver an amazing message from God. His attitude and love for God was so infectious that one could not leave without a powerful impact from his message. Way to go Nathon.

After church we went out for dinner like we used to do before Mark got a job at Walmart. It was so nice to go out just the two of us for a nice Sunday dinner. Thank you honey. The rest of the day we just sat and enjoyed the quiet of the park. The quiet days in the park will become a thing of the past in about a month. We are slowly getting more snowbirds back into the park.

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