Monday, July 2, 2018

Time to be more secure.

After some deliberation we decided to get a security system. Not that we have valuables but to feel more secure. Mark did the installation and tested it all as well. It works very well. The camera goes right to our phones, so we too can monitor what goes on when we are out and about or just down the block.

My new hobby of making deco wreaths really are hard on my arthritic left hand and arm, but so much fun. I need to have something to do besides cleaning and watching tv. This hobby takes up less room than making cards. But storing them until a craft sale, is a real dilemma. We have so little storage space and I don't want the wreaths smashed. They are a lot of work.

  Our Alpha classes are coming to an end. I believe that we have just 4 more sessions to go. Oh how we have enjoyed the class, the people and the inspiration and guidance.  Not to mention the meals that were provided. It was nice not having to plan a supper one day of the week. hehehe  Alpha has been the only social activity we have had, other than Mark meeting a few people at the pool from time to time. We hope that by next summer we will have made some friends that live here full time. But for now we are reacquainting ourselves with each other. Remembering why we fell in love in the first place. 💑

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