Friday, June 29, 2018

Another hot day, another craft

Yesterday afternoon we went into Michaels in town. I got some more deco mesh to make more wreaths. We scored, all of the deco mesh was 50% off so I got one of every color they had. The rolls are three times bigger than at the $Tree so it ended up being $3 less than if I could gt them there. We stopped at the $ tree in town but they had no deco mesh but we got some decorations to put in the wreaths. Next time we go to WM, which may be today, Mark is out of half and half and I am out of Aleve, we will pick up a few more wreath rings. I may keep some of the wreaths for myself or sell all of them at the craft fair here in the fall. The park has one every month. They cost between $7 and $10 to make and I would sell them for $15 or so. Depending on what I put on them for decorations too. I may make some more of the candles and sell them too. Not sure on that yet. They are quite time consuming, since I am new at making them and one hand works better than the other. But I do like to keep busy. And on the hot days of summer staying inside is about all there is to do. So I might as well make it productive.

Last night Mark put some styrofoam on the tops of the cupboards so I can put things up there. There was a one inch drop and now I can just slide things off and on more easily. I Have some antique jars that I keep rice and pasta in on the top in the kitchen.
And some day my angels will go in the living room. For now there are just ropes lights up there for accent lighting, which looks so pretty. We love lights. Too bad the lights don't show up in the picture.

I wonder what changes we will make today? :)
As always, it's an adventure.

1 comment:

  1. looks very cute, if you ever wanted me to go rummage and send some specific things i could try, we just did our deck yesterday *big hug*
